Chapter 70

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"So, I have a proposition for you," Brian said as he sat back down.

"Another one?"

He laughed. "Yeah. How would you feel about getting married this week?"

"This week? How? And why this week?"

"We've never talked about marriage, so you wouldn't know, but I don't want to make a big fuss about it. I'm not interested in having a big, fancy wedding with a thousand guests. I think it's a waste of money. I'd rather spend that money on other meaningful things, rather than just a one day event. I would really love it if it was just you and me. I don't need anyone else there."

"Well, being a girl, I have thought about having the big, dream wedding. I mean, all girls fantasize about that. All girls want a fairytale wedding. But I don't NEED it. It's about you and me. As long as we're both there that's all that matters. But how would we get married this week? And where?"

"I looked into it while you were getting your massage. All we have to do is get a marriage license. It takes 48 hours to process. We could get married at sunset on Thursday. As for where, how about on the beach? We can get a marriage officiant to perform the ceremony."

"You looked into it today?" she asked.

"Yeah. I've been trying to think of a way to get away from you for a little while so I could get all the information and this was the perfect opportunity. I wanted to surprise you with everything."

"Wow. I don't know what to say."

"I know I'm springing all of this on you at once, and if you want to wait, I understand. I just thought this would be a perfect opportunity. It would certainly make it memorable."

"Well that is true. I already told you it only matters that you and I are there. Let's do it."

"Really?" he asked.


"I don't want you to say that just to please me."

"I'm not. You know I would tell you if I didn't want to do it. This is about us. That's it. If we do this it will be private, intimate, and it will be a memory that only you and I share. That would mean a lot to me. It would almost be like we have our own little inside joke. Except, you know, it's not a joke."

"If you're sure then let's go tomorrow to get a marriage license. After that we can meet with the officiant to discuss the time. I think we can do it right on our own beach."

"That would be perfect," she said. "What about rings? And clothes? I don't think an expensive gown is necessary but I would like to get a white dress of some sort."

"There is a shop on the island where we can get the clothes. They also sell rings but just wedding bands."

"You really did think of everything, didn't you?"

"I figured if I was going to suggest getting married here I should have all the information how to make that happen. There's just one other detail to discuss."

"What's that?" she asked.

"A engagement ring. I don't have one for you. You know how I feel about diamonds. It's a scam. I swore I would never buy one again. But I feel like it's not fair to you, to not get you one. So when we get back to New York we'll shop for one."

"And you know diamonds aren't important to me. I'm fine with just a band. Honestly. I've got you. That's all I need."

He stared at her for a few seconds. "You are amazing," he finally said. "How did I get so lucky?"

The next day they got up early to apply for their marriage license. The whole process took less than a half an hour. After that they went to get something to eat at Arthur's Bakery.

"Do you want to go shopping when we leave here?" Brian asked as they sat down with their pastries.

"Yes. I'd like to look for a dress. And we can check out the rings. What are you going to wear? I think it might be a little warm for a hoodie," she teased.

"I have no idea. I guess I'll also look in the shop."

When they'd finished eating they headed over to the bridal shop. There was a wide selection of dresses, from casual to formal, and a small section for men. Since this wasn't going to be a traditional wedding Giovanna didn't care if Brian saw the dress ahead of time.

She asked for his opinion on a few of the more casual dresses then took them into the dressing room. When she decided on one she took it up to the counter for the clerk to hold onto while they continued to shop.

Brian normally dressed very casual in his every day life but he'd worn suits before. But the casual clothing here for men was mostly comprised of linen, something he wasn't accustomed to. Giovanna had told him she didn't care what he wore, but he felt he should put a little bit of effort into it. He settled on a white shirt and khaki colored pants.

Next they moved on to rings. They tried on several before both deciding on platinum bands. His was had a brushed metal finish while hers was more polished. Once everything was paid for they headed back to the cottage to drop it all off.

It was early afternoon and feeling lazy, they decided to take a nap. When they woke a few hours later Giovanna suggested taking a horseback ride down the beach. She had seen a sign for it the day before when they were in town.

They headed over to BB's Horseback Riding where they were able to pick out their own horses. They headed off down the beach, weaving in and out of the water. They rode to the tip of the island and back.

When they were finished they went back to the cottage to shower and change before going to dinner.

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