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My eyelids crept open slowly and it took much more effort than it should have.  I was exhausted before I even got the chance to see anything.  Never mind, it wasn't worth the trouble.  I gave up.  There was no doubt about it; closed was definitely better.

Unfortunately my brain was wide awake now and it didn't take me very long to realize that something was wrong.  Very, very wrong.

I tried to force them open again.


*** ***  ***

So, I guess you guys want another book?  I really was on the fence but 500 comments convinced me to make another.  Seriously, 500 comments will get you guys just about anything you want lol.  As always please feel free to send me cookies, ideas, a never-ending cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee or a gift certificate for Dragon Naturally Speaking so my hands don't fall off.  I'm kidding, but not about the coffee; I NEVER EVER joke about coffee ;)   Votes and comments are always welcome too.

I guess this means you can all stop panicking now.  I think.  Um, no, maybe not.  But hey, whatever happens, there will be one more book and that's a good thing, right? ;)

Thanks Sara for the  alternate title idea; I'm going to save yours in case there ends up being a book 8  And NO, that does not mean there WILL be one lol.  You guys... I swear.  Greedy little things, aren't ya? ;)

Not sure when I'm going to start this but feel free to talk/chat and throw ideas around in here until then.  Or good recipes.  Or anything, really.

Except COFFEE! ;)

Love you all,


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