Thirty Seven

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I woke up bleary eyed and somehow still exhausted even though the clock said I had slept in much too late. I sat on the edge of the bed trying to get my bearings and organize my thoughts but even after I'd finished up in the bathroom I was still floating around and had no idea what to do next.

I pulled on some sweats because if I was going to get punished, and I was pretty sure I was, I at least wanted to start off with some clothes on. They were my security blanket. I didn't feel very brave as I inched the Den door open and peered down the hall. It was quiet and seemed empty. I took a few steps and as I had thought, Greg was nowhere to be found. I looked for a note but didn't find one and as soon as I'd turned to go back to the Den he was there, only a few feet in front of me. I dropped into forgiveness.

"What is it Pet?"

"I'm so sorry for last night Sir. I know it's against the rules but I was super scared and Ollie needed help and yelling Sir in a club like Conflicted is sort of... well, useless. I'm sorry. I panicked and I didn't mean to be disrespectful."

"Yes, I assumed that. Forgiven."

WHAT? I rocked back into waiting but kept my head down. "You're not mad? You looked so mad. You sure seemed mad. You didn't talk to me and I thought--"

"I was mad. I was not mad at you. Why did you think I was? I was a bit rough getting you off the floor but I needed you safe."

"No, no that was fine. I should have listened but it was just crazy and... no, I understand."

"Good. Now, are you hungry?"

My stomach answered for me. "Starving Sir."

"Have a seat." He pointed to the stool and I climbed up, staring at the small lines in the granite or quartz or whatever it was.

"You're not going to punish me?" I mean he'd said forgiven but... he HAD to be mad. Last time I'd said his name I'd ended up wearing a dog mask.

"Why are you so engrossed with my countertop? Is it dirty?"

"No Sir."

"I had no intention of punishing you but you're acting like you need it. What's going through your head?"

Relief of course along with a lot of other things that weren't so easy to name. "I uh, I kicked him." Really? Was I trying to get myself in trouble?

"Good for you. You should defend yourself although I apologize that you needed to do so. I shouldn't have left you alone and it's my fault you went through that. It won't happen again."

"No it's not your fault Sir, it's his. Do you know who that guy was?"

"Yes, that's Phil. He was Ollie's previous... well I guess Master is as close as anything."

The one who had hurt him. No wonder he'd been so scared. I'd had my suspicions of course but hadn't been sure. "Why was he there?"

"At Conflicted? I don't know. He was banned but mistakes are made. He hadn't been around for so long that I guess everyone got complacent. People have short memories of other peoples' suffering and long memories of their own."

"I didn't know what to do. I really am sorry if I embarrassed you or..."

"Stop Pet, that's enough. I find no fault with your actions. Do I like you using my name in a room full of Doms? Of course not. Was it necessary? Yes. The rules are not in place to make things difficult, Pet, and they are certainly not there to put you in danger. I know that I am sometimes rather inflexible but you really thought I would be mad?"

"I did. Even though I thought you might know why but I still figured that I broke the rules so I'd get punished somehow. I don't know... but I'm glad you're not mad."

"You thought I was angry and came home with me anyway" he mumbled, almost to himself. He put an omelet and two pieces of toast in front of me and then walked away.

I ate. I ate because I was hungry and it was delicious and because I was nervous. I shouldn't have been, everything was fine. But it wasn't, not quite and I couldn't put my finger on the reason. The energy was off or something and I felt guilty for doubting Greg. And, to be perfectly honest, I hadn't exactly been excited about my upcoming punishment but now that it wasn't happening I was sort of drifting.

"Have you finished?"

I swiveled the stool towards him but looked at his feet. "Yes Sir. It was delicious, thank you."

"I know that I don't always do well with eye contact but I don't like you looking at the floor, either. What are you ashamed of?"

"Myself. I shouldn't have doubted you."

"Come here. You didn't doubt me Pet. You trusted me last night even though you must have been scared and for that, I have a present for you. But first, turn your back to me and look straight ahead."

I did what he asked although I had no idea why and then something was slipping around my neck. It wasn't a collar, it was wide and tucked up under my chin.

"This is a posture collar, Pet. I think you need to be reminded that being my sub doesn't make you less. Unequal does not mean less. I expect you to look straight at me until you're ready to leave. If you feel you need a punishment you may consider this as such. Now, how does that feel?"

I could move left and right some but not down. It was tight but not constricting and honestly it conjured emotions that I hadn't expected. "Fine, Sir."

"Come take a look." He took my hand and led me to the mirror.

I felt regal and beautiful and proud; all things that I never thought I'd feel in a collar. "Thank you Sir."

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