Forty One

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I got home Wednesday evening and immediately called Ollie, hoping I could stop over and check on him. I'd completely forgotten that he was preparing for their weekly dinner with Greg and a huge part of me wished that I could be there. It was good he was back to his routine though; that had to be a good sign. I got more time now with Greg than I ever dreamed possible but imagining them all sitting around the table and chatting and having fun while I was at home with an empty refrigerator and eating take-out wasn't exactly fun or relaxing. I tried to stop thinking about it.

The good news was that Kristie and Jeremy were back from their honeymoon and had agreed to come over for dinner tomorrow night. They were the perfect couple to introduce to Greg because Kristie was one of my best friends and he already knew her, and Jeremy had an autistic brother. It was as easy an introduction as I could imagine to my world and hoped it would be easy on Greg.

At least it gave me an excuse to message him.

Chris: Hello Sir. I'm home. I wanted to confirm that Kristie and Jeremy will be coming over for dinner tomorrow. They'll arrive at 7 but I'd love if you could come over earlier?

Sir Greg: I can be there at 6:15 Pet.

Chris: Thank you. I miss you. Any chance you want to swing by here on your way home from Ollie's? We could have a quickie in your new car or you're welcome to come in.

Sir Greg: I won't lie. Your offer is tempting.

Oh god he was considering it?!?!? I didn't think he would since he was a stickler for keeping his schedule so I was happy to be able to tempt him. I didn't know whether to push a little more or just stay quiet and let him think about it. At least he knew how desperate I was.

Sir Greg: I think I'm a bit too old to be fucking in cars on a regular basis.

Chris: Luckily we have other options.

Sir Greg: Up for a little role play?

Chris: Oh GOD YES SIR!!!

Sir Greg: Unlock your front door at 9:40. Get into your bed, naked and lubed. I'd like to do a bit of breaking and entering.

Oh god, we'd talked about... oh fuck YES. How many of my fantasies was he going to hit this week? Hopefully all of them. He could break and enter me any time he wanted!

Chris: Yes Sir, I can't wait! Thank you.

Sir Greg: Remember, safe words only to stop. I expect you to fight at least verbally. Be wary of the shoulder.

Chris: Yes Sir :) *Mwah

Chris: Did we ever decide if those were okay?

Sir Greg: I'll allow them. I'll see you in approx 3 hours. Lock the cat up.

How did he do this to me? I was going to spend the next few hours thinking about nothing except him 'breaking' into my house and fucking me whether I wanted it or not. I did of course, but I sure as hell wasn't going to act like it. He'd been so reluctant to tell me any of his fantasies but this was one that we both had and I wanted it to be amazing. I hoped that maybe, if I was lucky, this would become a regular occurrence.

My mind was racing and I sat down, deciding right then and there to let whatever was struggling to be heard come to the surface. I wasn't going to fight it. It was more a feeling in my chest than a thought, at least at first. A ball of need that sat behind my rib cage, wordless. I was hard and reached for myself, closing my eyes.

I could see myself on the bed, duct tape over my mouth and around my wrists. Greg was there, of course but he was blurry, he almost didn't matter. What overwhelmed me was the fear, the helplessness and the fact that I absolutely wasn't enjoying it. Except I was. Tears were pouring down my face and there was no pleasure for me because that was the way it should be.

It made no sense.

It was perfect.

Used. Absolutely, completely used.

I needed it, but could I?

Would I enjoy it if I actually made it happen?

Was it a cliff I needed pushed over?

Or did it just sound sexy as fuck in my head?

There was only one way to find out, but was I brave enough? Maybe, maybe I was. I could always change my mind, at least that's what I told myself as I went through my small toolbox. I had tape and would leave it for Greg to find; it would be his decision. He wouldn't use it unless I could safeword though so I found one of Wyatt's balls and stuffed it in the tape roll. There.

I was still staring at the heavy string at 9 o'clock, trying to decide if I could even bind myself up well enough to prevent me getting hard or coming and more importantly, if I wanted to. I had to decide how much I wanted suffer tonight and that included lube as well and I had to decide now.

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