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It wasn't that I couldn't see, well, yeah it was. There was light but it was mostly small blobs and everything around them was dark. The two spheres I could see out of my left eye were moving around and making me nauseous.

"Chris? Hey sweetie, how you feeling?"

"Ollie?" I asked because I knew that I recognized the voice and that I should absolutely know whose it was but somehow I wasn't sure. My throat was so dry that it sounded and felt like I'd been in a desert for three weeks. Where was I?

"Didn't think I'd stay home did you?  Let me just call the nurse for you.  You're alright, relax."

I closed my eyes, I was less dizzy that way. "Hospital?"

"Yeah Chris, you were in a car accident. You're okay though."

Accident?  Oh yeah, the ambulance. I remembered the sirens. "Greg?" I croaked.

"You don't need to worry." And then there was a female voice who must have been the nurse and I was getting talked to and moved around and I'd used up every ounce of my calm. "Shhh, it's okay Chris, you're alright" Ollie crooned. He took my hand then, I think. It definitely wasn't Greg's.

Where was Greg? Of course he wasn't here. "I can't see, it's all blurry, dark. I don't know."

"I'll let the doctor know right away Christopher" the woman said and then she must have been gone because no one was poking me.

"Tell me, what happened? Where? Help Ollie."

"It's Sunday evening. You were coming back from the vineyard with Sir Greg and there was a huge wreck. A truck and four cars."  He was almost panting and running his words together like I sometimes did. Or maybe it was me and my head?  "You're okay though and they'll take care of your eyes. I just got here about an hour ago. Master is with Sir Greg and he'll  be back soon. I'll text Master and tell them you're awake right now, okay?"

What was he talking about? He was freaking but I'd never experienced it because Ollie didn't freak. So if he was freaking, what did that mean? "What else? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just hate hospitals and I'm worried about your eyes. Can you open them again?" I forced them open but the brightness hurt. He gasped and I closed them again.

*** *** ***

"Hello Christopher, I'm Doctor Garcia, how are you feeling?"

I tried to turn my head and open my eyes but it was so blurry. "I can't see!"

"So I've been told. Let's take a look." The head of my bed raised up and he was forcing my right eye open and the light was so bright that it hurt. "You have a subconjunctival hemorrhage and a vitreous hemorrhage. Retinal attachment seems fine. Tell me what you're seeing."

That eye closed and then he was opening the other. "Um, shapes, just light balls that move. The light hurts."

"Vitreous hemorrhage in this eye as well. You took a very nasty hit to the head my friend. Pain?"

Hemorrhage was bad.  Blind was bad.  "What happens? Surgery? I mean, you can fix it right?"

"No surgery needed Christopher, it should clear up on it's own. In laymen's terms your eyes are bleeding into places that they should not be. The subconjunctival just looks bad but the vitreous is impairing your vision. Between your lens and retina there is a clear gel, it's mostly water. Blood has leaked in there and you can not see through it. The blood will clear out as soon as those vessels repair themselves. Now that you're awake we need to take you in for another CT scan. Do you feel sleepy?"

"I only caught half of that. I'm so tired."

"You've been mostly out of it since you arrived. I'm sure your friend here can explain later. They'll be up to fetch you for another scan soon."

"Is he gone?" I asked. Had time passed? I couldn't tell.

"I swear the doctors and nurses around here should just have roller skates, as fast as they move. Get some rest, I'll be here" Ollie said, squeezing my hand.

*** *** ***

I got woken up for a scan of some sort but I couldn't see. I felt like that was okay for some reason but I didn't know where I was. He'd told me what was happening but I couldn't remember. "Greg?"

"No, I'm Matt, the radiologist. Just going to do a quick CT scan, you can rest."

I was so confused but too tired to care.

*** *** ***

"I don't care, he obviously has no trouble getting rest. I want to talk to him."

Greg? I was half awake maybe but it was really dark in here.   Where am I?  And then I was sick all over the bed.


*** *** ***

There were voices but I couldn't quite talk. The words got lost inside my head.

"You know this is quite common after a TBI. Delayed onset symptoms are quite common."

"Yes I'm aware but I don't like waiting."

"None of us do. You need some rest."

*** *** ***

I hurt. My head was killing me. I tried to press my palm to my temple but I couldn't seem to move.

"What is it Pet? Are you in pain?"

"Hurts." Greg? "Greg?"

"Yes. What hurts Chris? Your head?"

"Head."  Why did everything sound like I was underwater?

*** *** ***

It was dark, or wait, that was me? I needed to pee. I needed a drink. I needed help. My arm reached out, banging against something hard. "Mom?" I croaked. No, I was in the hospital. "Ollie?"

"Just me." The voice was groggy and scratchy but it was...


"Yes Pet. What do you need?"


Things moved. The covers moved and he rolled me to my side. I thought I was getting up but... "You may."

"What? No, need to piss."

"I'm aware. You have a bedpan, go ahead."

"No, god no."

"Now Pet."

I didn't have time to argue, I was going to piss in .02 seconds regardless. I have never been so happy to empty my bladder. "Sorry."

"What for? You're certainly not the first person to use one. Why are you crying?"

"I don't know. I can't see. Water?"

"Open." He put a small piece of ice in my mouth and it was the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted. "Slow down, suck don't chew. You'll be able to see soon. It may be better by morning, at least a little."

He was here.  "Are you okay?"


It was so hard to keep my eyes open.  "Tired."

"I know Pet, you need to sleep."

"Sneaking back over here again?" a woman asked.  "Let's go, let him sleep."

"I will leave when I'm good and ready.  You may go, he doesn't require your assistance."

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