Fifty Six

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I went inside and decided to check on Ollie in the kitchen. I wanted to know what was going on but the Domsy twins obviously weren't going to tell me anything until later so I figured that I may as well see if I could help.

"Hey sweetie!" he said, smiling. "Welcome home."

"Thanks. I feel like I've been living out of a suitcase. How are you?"

"Good, good. I decided to hatch a plan to get my mind off of you-know-what" he said, making a stabbing motion with his knife that made me grimace "and I have made a love match!"

He was always trying but I didn't know he'd been successful. "Who?"

"Two boys, well one boy and one man that you know very, very well. Intimately even." And then he closed his mouth and pursed his lips and I had no doubt that he wasn't going to say anything else until I'd tried to figure it out.

"Intimately as in, ahem?" He nodded, the smile on his face threatening to dance right off. Okay, who did he know I had slept with? This had to be a short list. And then it came to me, of course. "Alex and Dare?!?!"

"Yep! They're head over heels. I think that tonight will be date five? And maybe six and seven? I'm not sure how to count it if Alex just stays there all weekend. Is that one date or three? Do I only count when they switch houses? Hell if I know."

That surprised me, that actually seemed like enough dates to know. That was past the 'well why not, may as well give this guy a try' phase. "Wow, I'm actually really happy for them."

"I was totally surprised when you mentioned it; I thought Alex was too much of a sub but apparently it was mostly guilt."

"Yeah, he was sort of a head case. I'm glad if he's happy though." And I was; I truly liked Alex and maybe if he could straighten out his life we could even be friends.

"They seem to be. It's not like Dare will mind spanking him now and then if Alex starts to drift. Oh, and Dare even sent me flowers to say thank you."

"Not roses I hope" I teased.

"Oh hell no, he knows better. I've been training him for years now. Here." He put a dish into my hands. "Table. Don't put it on the trivet and leave the lid on please."

I did my best to ignore Dommy and Toppy and put the dish down. I'd just turned to head back into the kitchen when Greg called me. "Pet."

"Yes Sir?"

"Come sit with me. Kevin can help Ollie finish."

Kevin's eyes got wide and if he'd worn a flashing sign it wouldn't have been any clearer that he was thinking 'Oh I can, can I?' I almost laughed. He noticed and raised his eyebrows at me before heading into the kitchen.

I grabbed my glass of wine off the table and took it with me, sitting next to Greg on the couch. He didn't say anything so I turned my attention to Kevin and then Ollie who came through into the dining room with platters of food.

"Dinner is served" Kevin announced, sitting in his usual chair at the head of the table. Ollie sat to his left and Greg sat at the foot and I took the remaining spot.

It was delicious; Ollie never failed to amaze me. Now that I could cook a little I actually appreciated it even more because I knew how hard some of this stuff was to prepare and how varied his repertoire was. Even so, dinner was awkward. It seemed that dinners here always were although I had no idea why. Maybe we'd just had a few bad ones and that had set the tone? I didn't know. What I did know was that the stuffed pork tenderloin was moist and tender and delicious. "This is wonderful Ollie."

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