Thirty Six

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I was too focused on Ollie to realize what I had done at first. "SHUT UP!" the asshole yelled, his hand twisting Ollie's hair so tight that I winced in pain. His other was grabbing at Ollie's collar and he had at least two fingers snaked inside of it and it looked like he was trying to rip it off. "This isn't MINE! It's fucking meaningless! You're mine you stupid bitch!" The freakish thing was, Ollie didn't say a word. Why wasn't he DOING something? I wasn't even sure he was still breathing or if he even could.

So I did what anyone would do, what someone else SHOULD have done. I rocked back on my hip, braced my hands on the floor and kicked straight out, my boot making contact with his shin. And then those beady fucking eyes turned on me and now he was really, really mad. At least I made him drop Ollie's collar but he simply dragged him over towards me and reached out his hand. I backed up.

The damn sea of people parted like a scene from a low-budget Bible movie and Greg was storming towards me and I knew, without a doubt, that I had made the biggest mistake of my life. He was going to be done with me now, there was no doubt. He was in a rage and staring me down like prey. I knew Kevin would be behind him and I knew Ollie would be safe soon and it was all worth it but god I had fucked up.

I should have yelled for Kevin.  Why the fuck had I said Greg?  If I'd called for Kevin I wouldn't get in trouble, I was allowed to say his name.  Plus, he might have gotten here first and he might be coming at me instead of Greg who has as angry as I have ever seen him. I just hadn't thought about it but that wouldn't be an excuse. He wouldn't care. I was wrong no matter what.

"Get up Chris" Greg said coldly, coming to stand between me and whoever the hell the bastard was who was holding Ollie practically captive.

"Help him" I begged. I knew he was mad at me but it had to wait, he had to--

He hoisted me up as if I didn't weigh hardly anything and pushed me away. "Get UP." He turned his back to me and Kevin was there too but Greg wouldn't let him interfere. "I'll get him Kevin."

"I'm going to kill the fucking bastard!"

"I know, that's why you need to back the fuck up. I'm not going to kill him although I agree that he probably deserves it." And then, quick as lightening, Ollie was on the floor and Greg had the jerk bent over the half wall with his arms behind his back. "Get your boy please. Go home."

Kevin did it, somehow. He ignored the guy in Greg's grasp and hoisted a very lifeless Ollie off the floor and into his arms. And then, finally, the Dungeon Master, Tom, was there and had a hand on Greg, telling him to back up and let the guy go. "I'll handle it Doc."

"Fine." He took half a step back and hoisted the guy up bit off the wall but instead of letting him stand, Greg lifted his leg and kneed he guy in the stomach so hard I heard a crunch before dropping him to the ground. He was gasping for air and turning red but Greg didn't seem to care. "Touch my boy or my friend's boy again and I'll let him kill you. Got it?"

"Greg, out NOW!" Tom was pissed but honestly I was partly glad he'd gotten a punch in. That bastard deserved it.

"Chris? Come."

Now all that anger was turned on me again and I wasn't going to have Tom or the small crowd that had gathered around to help me. I was going to... I had to go with him. I had to get into his car and say a million prayers and just... fuck. I was in SO much trouble.

He hadn't barely waited, really. He was three steps in front of me already and I scurried to catch up because even though being close to him right now was scary, being away from him was much worse. He had to wait to get his phone and he turned towards me and raked his eyes from the top of my head to my boots. "Did he touch you?"

"No. He just pushed me Sir, with his boot."

"He kicked you?"

"No, not hard, no Sir. I'm okay." At least he was talking to me this time. Last time I'd been stupid enough to say his name at the club I'd gotten the silent treatment and sent home. Was he going to send me home tonight? Maybe it was for the best but I didn't want to go. I followed to the car and he opened the door like always but didn't close it, he left that for me to do an stormed around to his side.

I sent Ollie a quick message telling him I was sorry and that I loved him and to please check in soon. It wasn't enough but at least it was something. If I didn't hear from him tomorrow I'd message Kevin because I was petrified and worried sick already.

The ride to Greg's house passed in a flash without a single word being spoken and then we were in the garage, the engine noise fading out and the silence deafening. "Pet?"

"Yes Sir? I'm so sorry Sir. I shouldn't--"

"Shush. Not tonight. Neither of us is any state to deal with this tonight. Go to bed."

"Here Sir?"

"No, in the Den Chris."

He got out and shut his door, leaving me in the car. He left the house door open though so I guess that was something. I slipped out of my boots and left them under the bench and went into the bathroom to change out of my clothes and clean my piercings before bed. The last thing I needed was them getting infected.

I laid in bed for at least an hour after that. I was exhausted but way too freaked out to sleep. I wondered what my punishment would be and whether or not it would happen tomorrow. I was never going to get my cuffs now. My phone vibrated and I have never grabbed it so fast.

Ozzie: I'll be okay. Love you too. Thank you

Chris: I'll talk to you tomorrow. Get some rest :)

He didn't answer but it was okay, at least he was feeling up to texting. I knew he was probably in Kevin's arms being taken care of and that was the last thing I remembered thinking about before the exhaustion finally won.

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