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After breakfast Ollie and I went into the Den to try to put my life back together a little bit. He dialed my phone and I called my parents, Esther and my manager. He read emails and typed responses for me and generally made a really amazing secretary.

"Why aren't' you telling them about your eyes?" he asked after I hung up after the last call.

"It's not important and sounds much worse than it is. I don't want them to worry."  Or even worse, have my family NOT worry.

"Are they doing any better? You seem to be walking around easier."

He was so sweet. "Yeah, I just feel like I'm wearing someone's glasses. Everything is blurry but at least it's there now." I'd taken to keeping them closed if I wasn't moving; it just made my head hurt more to try to focus. I really hoped that by tomorrow I'd be able to see fine. "My head still hurts but I can deal."

"You should try to take a nap" he suggested.

"That's a good idea. I wonder if Greg wants one? Not that I wouldn't rather do other things. The shower was fun though." I was rambling and covered my mouth when I realized what I'd said. "Sorry."

"Oh please, as if I don't know. Honestly I assumed you were having as much fun as possible. I'm sure he'll be all over you tonight or as soon as he can, unlike Master..." he said, trailing off. "Sorry, never mind."

"What? Hey, are you okay?" The sadness in his voice had been obvious even over the pounding in my head. He'd been so good to me the past few days, hell, forever that if he needed anything I would try. I could sure as hell listen.

"Oh yeah, fine. It's nothing."

"It's not nothing" I prompted. "My ears are working fine."

"It's just... I think he's scared. Since the hospital we haven't really played much and I miss it. It's his decision of course I just... see? It's nothing."

"It's understandable, I mean I get why he'd be worried. But you missing it is important and absolutely isn't nothing. He loves you madly, have you talked to him?"

"Oh I've hinted, he knows I'm willing. It's all I can do, it's not my place to make those decisions and he'll do what he thinks is best. It's just... sorry, forget about it."

"Ollie? You can talk to me." I couldn't do anything about it but sometimes that shit just needed let out. I didn't want him festering like I tended to do. Besides, I couldn't lie and say I wasn't a little bit curious. "Vent, you'll feel better."

"We're different I think in what we... I mean I really NEED it. I don't just enjoy the release, it's like vital to my damn state of mind. I get so anxious and worried and just... I need to scene. I don't do well when I feel like I'm not HIS, you know? I need that break, I need put in my place."

Six months ago I wouldn't have been able to do more than nod and pretend but I actually did get it. "I know." It was a sort of magic, a high unlike anything else and a closeness that couldn't really be put into words. "You miss him."

"Yeah." Ollie just sighed. "It'll be fine. I mean, I'm better. He just has to realize it."

"I hope he does soon, for your sake."

"I know, right?!?!" he joked. "I'm about to start acting up just to earn it. Actually, that's not a bad idea. He would be mad but... if it got the ball rolling, you know? Maybe it's worth it. I don't like to play games though."

"Or he'd see through it and punish you some other way, right?"

"That's a very real possibility. He's rather um, inventive."

A chill ran up my spine when I thought about the goldfish. "I've sort of gathered that."

"But it could still work. Maybe I'll give him a few more weeks and then decide. Hey!"  His voice perked up and he almost yelled. "I just realized it's your birthday!"

My parents had told me 'Happy Birthday' but I really hadn't realized until they'd told me. The past few days had sort of morphed into one big, crappy one. "I celebrated on Saturday."

"You're smiling. I take it the winery went well?"

"How did you know?" If I had been a balloon I would be empty. I felt like I'd been punched. He'd asked Ollie to plan something, of course. I don't know why I had thought that--

"Sir Greg told me about the plans. He wanted to make sure I thought you would like it."

He'd.... "So he came up with it?"

"Oh yeah, it was all him. I thought it was a great idea -- was I wrong?" I must have had a funny look on my face because he put his hand on my knee. "Chris?"

I shouldn't have asked but of course I did. "What about Christmas? The cooking lessons? Did you do that?"

"You seem to think really highly of me Chris. No, I didn't. The only thing I did was try to convince him to not buy you a sex toy as your gift."

I chuckled because I could totally see him thinking it would be perfect. Actually though, I probably wouldn't have minded too much but the lessons had been much more romantic. "I'm not sure I can imagine that conversation."

"You don't want to. He took me home and wanted Master to punish me because I wouldn't tell him about the concert tickets."

"Oh my god did you---"

"It was fine, relax. Master knows to take Sir Greg with a grain of salt. I didn't get in trouble."

"Oh good." I shook my head and then wished I hadn't. "Damn, any chance I'm due for some Percocet or 14 Tylenol?"

"Two Tylenol coming right up. I'm going to check on Sir Greg one more time and then I'll go if you're okay? I'll bring dinner over about eight?"

"Whatever works for you is fine Ollie. Thank you so much and hopefully tomorrow I can handle all of this."

"Don't rush it Chris, get some rest and heal up. I'll bring you the meds."

"Bye." Suddenly a nap sounded really good and I snuggled down into the mattress. Yep, a nap was definitely in order.

"Leave me ALONE!" I heard Greg bellow down across the hall. "Tend to Christopher and leave."

"Yes Sir" Ollie apologized and I wanted to jump up and interfere but I was so comfortable and so tired. He tapped on my door and set something down on the night stand. "Water and two pills. Bye Chris."

I rolled over and reached out my hand. "Sorry Ollie, you okay?"

"Yeah, I am. I would steer clear of him if I were you though. I'll see you later."

"Ollie? Is he okay?"

He took way too many breaths before answering me. "I need to go. I don't do well with... Just call me if you need me? Okay? I'll ask Master to come over with me this evening."

I didn't know what that meant except that maybe Ollie was afraid? "Okay. Or I can just have Greg order something. That's easier, right? Don't worry about dinner."

"Are you sure?" he asked and I could tell by his voice which answer he wanted.

"Yeah, we'll be okay."

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