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I literally let out a little squeal and jumped back, thumping my hand against the wall hard enough to make me grab it and rub at it, when I turned around and Greg was at the dining room table filling his plate. He didn't respond though and I didn't know what to do. He was wound so tightly and I knew there was probably an explosion or implosion coming and I honestly didn't know what to do to make it better. He'd told me that sometimes it was best to get it over with but the entire situation felt out of my hands. It probably felt out of his too. I grabbed my plate and did my best to just put a bit of everything on it without spilling.

We ate in silence which was probably best; I didn't really want him to yell at me. It's not like I didn't have anything to keep me occupied; replaying his fight with Kevin was more interesting than any TV show I'd seen recently. They'd both been crazy but what I really didn't understand was why the hell Kevin had been so mad. Yes, Greg had thrown out into the world how Ollie felt about not scening but I honestly doubted he'd done it on purpose. In his head it probably didn't seem to be a secret. The man who didn't know to not talk about death probably didn't see this as crossing a line. He'd said it because it was true, not to be spiteful. But Kevin? He'd been nasty. I wondered, as I slathered jelly on a biscuit that I really shouldn't eat, if I had missed stuff in the hospital. Ollie had mentioned that Greg wanted me at their house and maybe the tension between the two had been building. I just didn't know.

"I don't need you to defend me Christopher." He didn't seem all that mad but his voice was very flat and he'd used my full name which he rarely did.

"I know Sir." He didn't need it but I had needed to. He wouldn't understand that though, probably.

"Did you lie or did you mean what you said?" he asked calmly.

"I meant it. I tried to be fairly polite but I was angry. I'm sorry if I made things worse." And I was. Kevin was his best friend as far as I knew and I probably shouldn't have interfered. I just hadn't been able to stop myself.

"I don't think you made things worse. You were polite even if you should have stayed quiet."

I would own that. "Yes Sir."

"I need you to listen to me very carefully and obey. It's imperative. Do you understand?"

Uh oh. "Yes."

"I need you to go into the Den and do not come out until I knock on your door. No matter what, promise me you won't come out. I may yell, I may throw things, you may think you could help somehow. You must not come out."

"You'll knock and get me when you need me? When you can?" Silence hung and neither of us moved. "I need to know you will so that I can wait."

"I'll" he said hesitantly and his voice cracked which made my stomach plummet. "Yes. Go into the Den Chris. Take your plate. Go."

I wasn't going to make this worse. If he needed me gone so he wouldn't worry about me, and I knew that's what it was and there was no doubt in my mind that he was scared for me, then I would go. He needed me to be safe so he could focus on himself and it was the least I could do. I didn't say a word, just stood up and went to my room, pulling the door behind me closed.

It was quiet for a while and some of the stress drained out of my body. I got into bed and got comfortable and even managed to get some music playing on my phone. It was soft but it would helpfully hide some of the oncoming storm. It would be easier for me to keep my promise if I didn't hear everything he was going through.

I had no idea how long it would take but I didn't expect him to want to see me for hours. I thought about a bath and then didn't do it because I wanted to be available but I also knew that if he wanted me he was more than capable of coming into the bathroom. He was right; I fought with myself about everything. My aches won out but I decided to leave the door open so hopefully I could hear or see if he knocked or came into the Den.

I had only been soaking a few minutes when I realized that I was hairy. I hadn't really noticed before but he wasn't going to like it. I honestly contemplated shaving but I didn't trust myself since everything was still blurry. I wanted to pierce my nipples not slice them off and lower regions were too scary to even imagine. It would have to wait. I ran my hand against the scruff on my face and wondered if it was bothering him. I didn't look like me and I hadn't forgotten the haircut lesson.

I got out and dried off and walked to the mirror, wondering if I could manage. Well, there was only one way to find out. I lathered up and wondered if he had been shaving since the accident. If the cut on his cheek was low, maybe not. Maybe if I told him it was for scientific research I could ask for another kiss. No, and I needed to focus. I did a pretty good job on my face and was slipping into some underpants when the Den door opened. I looked up as if it would help and was pleased that it actually it did; my vision was getting much better.

"You missed a spot. Two spots. Turn." He walked right over to me and grabbed my chin with his free hand. "Three. Come with me."

I followed him into the bathroom obediently. "I'm sorry, I thought you would prefer me clean shaven but my vision isn't--"

"You did this for me?"

"Yes Sir. It's how I usually look and I'm supposed to be shaved but--"

"These are extenuating circumstances." He dabbed shaving cream on my face and then tilted me to the side before gently scraping the razor along the edge of my jawline. "But it was good of you to try."

"I just wanted to make things easier." He was on my neck then and it was an automatic reflex to tense but he just waited me out before I felt the razor feather light against my skin. I wanted to ask how he was but I knew I couldn't. He was here and seemed okay and it was good enough.

"You often do." I didn't know if he meant that I wanted to or actually succeeded but I hoped for the latter. He took care of the last spot and then wiped me down with a warm wash cloth. "There. It's nice to see you again Pet." And then his lips were on my cheek, the skin still tingly and sensitive. His scruff felt even more amazing than I had imagined and I felt it all the way to my toes.

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