Twenty Eight

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*** Smexy talk ;)

Friday afternoon I messaged Greg and asked him what to wear. He didn't seem bothered by the question and honestly Ollie had been right; it was easier than staring at my closet and wondering if I should lean more casual or dressy. Besides it gave me an excuse to text him and that was always nice.

He brought me a gorgeous little box with four handmade chocolates in it, all tied up in a gorgeous bow. It was sweet and unnecessary and I told him so but he just shrugged it off. So everything was normal. I had noticed right away that he was missing his brace but had waited until we were settled in the car to ask. "No brace anymore Sir?"

"No, finally. I have very strict rules but I don't have to wear it any longer unless it starts aching."

"I'm so glad. I hope you're sleeping better."

"I am, thank you Pet. How have you been this week?"

He must have reviewed his note cards and it was sweet. "I've been good. Busy, I have a lot of work coming my way. I should know sometime this week which days I won't be available this month. I'll send you an email if that works."

"That will be fine."

Somehow I hadn't noticed that we were heading to my restaurant. He'd mentioned dinner but we often ate out on date nights and I just wasn't paying any attention until we were in the turn lane and signaling to head into the parking lot. "Here, Sir?"


"Is everything okay?"

"Are you going to have a meltdown like last time? I hoped not mentioning it would keep you from overthinking."

"I... no Sir." Okay, he knew me very well. I would have worried.

"Good. I like the food here and would like to get a chance to eat. Everything is fine. Is that enough? I'm not dropping you, I simply want to discuss an idea." He pulled in and parked, then turned to me. "I thought it would be easiest on both of us if we ate here for several reasons. One, you're still trying to get your Dom filters in place and this restaurant allows you some flexibility. You may speak freely and I expect it of you so I won't be bothered. Second, I need to ask you about a scene and I need to know you're answering honestly. That's all. Does that explanation soothe your fears?"

I nodded and blew out a big breath. "Yes. Thank you." Worry and panic was replaced with gratitude for how sweet he was being and curiosity about what he wanted to do. I thought for a second about being panicked about that but I could just say no. Oh, it was probably about the club scene. I hadn't decided about that but it would be good to talk about it. Plus, he was right; the food here was amazing.

He held the door for me and gave his name to the hostess and we were tucked into a bench in the corner. "Would you like a menu?"

"No thanks Sir. Could I have a steak or prime rib?"

"Certainly." He ordered me a fancy bottle of water because he knew and got unsweetened tea. The drinks were coming with salads for each of us and stuffed mushroom caps and I could not wait. "I wanted to ask if you've decided about getting pierced."

That had come out of nowhere. Except that it hadn't; I'd talked to Ollie about them yesterday while we were in the dressing room and had decided that I really wanted them. I was planning on waiting though because things had been a bit off-kilter and I didn't think Greg needed anything else thrown at him quite yet. "I was going to ask you about it later, Sir."

"I will allow it under one condition. Since they will be out of service for several weeks afterwards, I want to incorporate it into a scene. A role-playing scene. I had intended to work it out in time for our anniversary and take you back to the office as a sort of replay of our first encounter. I of course won't do it, I know an excellent piercer who is willing to do it in my office. He's in the life so it won't be a problem. What do you think?"

I thought nothing. Blank. My head was a blank space. I honestly couldn't even form a mental sentence, much less one that I could say out loud. I couldn't even be bothered to think of the tune that went with the Taylor Swift song. He um, he wanted to do a scene and have someone come pierce me during? In his office? At work? I had to adjust myself in the seat but I didn't know if I was nervous or excited.

"Pet? There is no rush. You are free to say no, it is simply an offer."

"I uh, I know Sir. I just have absolutely no clue how I feel. I mean I'm really... I mean it sounds amazing and I want them done and..." Fuck it, I didn't have to know the details or worry; he would handle it. I didn't have to worry. I didn't have to worry. I took a few quick breaths. "That sounds amazing Sir."

"I wasn't planning on it tonight but how about tomorrow? You may call the whole thing off in the morning if you wish and of course you can safeword during the scene."

"Sounds good Sir." Good, I knew that rationally I probably should think about it just a little more but it was hard to focus on anything other than my cock screaming at me, begging for attention. I picked up my fork and took a bite of the salad the server had just put in front of me. Then, once she was several tables away, I got brave. "I've always had a medical fantasy. And you definitely fulfilled it last year Sir but uh, I'd love to revisit that."

"Ah, is that so? I can't say that I'm surprised. Perhaps I'll need to give you a very thorough check-up."

I swallowed and it felt like I'd tried to swallow a golf ball. "That would be amazing." Waiting for tomorrow was going to be torture; I was so glad I didn't have to wait a whole week. "Sir?"


"Could I um... I'm sorry I can't say it. Can I text you?"

He was confused but finally shrugged. "Fine."

Chris: Sir? I'd really enjoy as much of a power play as we can get. Could I be younger? High school maybe?

Sir Greg: An inexperienced school boy on my table? How could I say no to that? I'll enjoy marking you as mine.

Chris: Thank you. Um, purple limits are fine. I want you do whatever you want.

Sir Greg: I'll be certain to scare, tease and empty you Pet. Be ready.

I would never be ready but I already was.

Chris: I wish I could crawl under the table and taste you.

Sir Greg: Such a tease. I could take you into the bathroom. How long do you think we'd have before someone came in? A minute, two?

Chris: Please Sir?

Sir Greg: It's date night

Chris: In that case, can I get off too?

Sir Greg: Very well. Follow me

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