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Nick got there before me and I found him in the drink line when I walked in. He did a really bad attempt of motioning 'want anything?' but I understood anyway and gave him my best 'duh' face. Hey, at least he knew what I liked. I was free to mingle.

It was nice to have that getting taken care of because it seemed like everyone I'd ever met in my entire life was at the reception. I don't know if it was because people felt sorry for me because I was alone or if I really had been neglecting my friends but everyone wanted me in their little circle and I felt like the center of attention. It was nice and for the first time I wasn't sad that Greg wasn't here. I wouldn't have been nearly this relaxed; I would have worried about him constantly. His words finally made sense even though I didn't want them to.

Nick came up behind me and offered me a glass. "Tonic for you Sir."

I chortled. "Not a Sir, trust me." He turned to go but I caught his arm. "Thanks. Where you rushing off to?"

He didn't get a chance to answer because Jeremiah had found him and they somehow knew each other. How in the world had Nick been floating around the periphery of my universe without my knowledge? I really needed to talk to Kristie. Had I really been that out of things the past year? "Hey Nick, you know Chris, right?"

We both smiled. "Yeah, we go way back" he answered. And that was it, Nick was pulled into the circle and when we went into the grand hall and looked for our table numbers, Jeremiah decided that Nick should come and sit in Greg's seat. There was nothing I could do about it, really. Not that I minded that much. I hadn't invited him but I couldn't exactly say 'no, I don't want to sit with him' without causing a scene. I just sort of watched it unfold and sat down. "This way I get the Greg story, if you're willing."

I took a quick look around the table and decided to be brutally honest. "He's my Dom and couldn't make it today." Short, sweet and true. There. Nick's face was sort of funny as he processed and I enjoyed his discomfort more than I really should have.

"Well, you always were a kinky kitten, even back then" he whispered. "I'm not going to get you in trouble, am I?"

"No, you're fine."

"Would a dance later be a problem?" he asked. "If you're interested, that is. How much do you like your shoes?"

I hadn't even considered dancing but it sounded really nice, actually. "That's what polish is for. As long as we're not naked it's not a problem."

"Now, now Chris, that's the after party at their house, not here while the relatives are around."

"I don't know, her uncle tends to lose his shirt." It was so easy, chatting and joking with him. It had been a long time but we'd known each other so well that we sort of fell right back into sync.

"Which one?" he asked, looking around.

"Stop!" I chastised, smacking his arm. "You're a dork."

"I am. Hey, I have a joke." Jeremy and two of Jeremy's groomsmen had been telling bad ones since we sat down so everyone turned and gave him their full attention. "What do you call an Italian with a rubber toe?" I didn't want to know, I knew it was going to be bad. He had perfect timing, giving everyone just long enough to realize that it was going to be horrible. "Roberto."

I cracked up. It was so awful that it was good and definitely the best of the night because everyone was dying. It wasn't even that funny but everyone was laughing at everyone else and it just sort of escalated. We were drawing stares and whispers from other tables but I didn't even care. None of us did.

"Ok, I'm going to use the little boys room before they serve dinner." I stood and stretched, then headed towards the side door when Kristie motioned me over.

"What the HELL are you doing sitting with him? Explain quickly."

What was she mad about? "Why the hell didn't you tell me you'd seen him? That he was coming?"

"Did you WANT to know? Look, long story. Are you okay?"

So this was stress worry? It looked a lot like anger but I guess she did have other stuff on her mind. "We're fine. Actually ran into him at a bar last weekend. We're cool."

"Thank God. Okay, I'll talk to you soon? And I want a dance!"

"If you can make time for me I'm all yours." That was the second time people, including Nick, had alluded to his past or his life being complicated. I wondered about it until I returned to the table. I could ask and he'd probably tell me but I decided to let it go. It didn't matter, really. He seemed okay now and that was good enough for me.

We had our dance, two of them actually. He was STILL a really bad dancer. He knew it though and laughed at himself and we had fun. Kirstie had taken off her heels by the time we got to our dance and holding her was the first time I'd cried during the afternoon. She was going to be outrageously happy. She had a good man and an amazing future in front of her and remembering all we had gone through over the years and seeing her here, now? It got to me.

I had an amazing time. Dinner was good and the company was even better. It was so good to be with my friends again. To laugh and relax and just be me. A different me, but me all the same. I had sort of forgotten what that felt like.

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