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Dinner was sullen and awkward and I truly didn't care.  This whole situation was the problem; it wasn't Greg, it wasn't me, and it didn't matter.  In my head we had this deal going: he wasn't going to make me get down into forgiveness or punish me and I wasn't going to take anything he said too personally.  So far, so good.

Ollie fussed over me like he was my grandmother before Greg finally kicked them out.  I was tucked in bed and as comfortable as I could be considering I'd only been allowed Tylenol.  Doctor Garcia was apparently a sadist and not the fun kind. I'd quickly gotten told by no less than two doctors that I couldn't have anything that would thin my blood if I wanted my eyes to clear up. It made sense but there had to be something out there. Oh well, I wasn't going to get it. Ollie had made sure I had my phone with me but I realized quickly that I couldn't use it.  You would think that after looking at it for ten to fourteen hours a day that I would have it memorized but believe it or not, I didn't.  Siri was some help but it was more trouble than it was worth. 

Greg was still in front of the TV but he had switched to the news as soon as Ollie and Kevin left. I could hear it filtering gently down the hallway. I decided after about twenty minutes that I didn't care if he got mad, I couldn't just lay in this bed.  I felt like I was going a little bit crazy.

"What do you need Pet?" he asked and I heard the couch shift.

"Please don't get up Sir, I'm fine.  Ignore me unless I'm about to run into something.  I just... I don't want to be alone.  Can I just sit here with you and listen please? I'll be good."

"Very well. You're not going to hit anything.  The couch is 30 inches in front of you but you need to take a half step to your right."

For once, his being anal retentive about numbers was actually helpful.  I made it and winced as I sat.  Even breathing hurt.  "Car accidents suck.  Let's not do it again."

"I'll do my best."  He was silent a long time and so was I, not wanting to upset the delicate peace.  "If you need anything please let me know.  I'm not... I'm not managing very well but I will try to help you."

"Thank you Sir.  You too, if I can do anything to help.  I didn't realize you were hurt so badly, they didn't tell me.  Or maybe they did and I forgot.  It's all sort of a blur.  I thought you were with me last night though."

"I was, some.  They ran me off twice and I did need some sleep."

"But you had surgery? You came after?"


"You should have been resting Sir.  I can't believe you came to see me."  It seemed so out of character for him; I'd been surprised even when I thought he was fine but to disobey doctors orders and come visit me?"

"I'm capable of deciding when I should rest. Head traumas can be tricky.  I wanted to observe you for myself."

"Thank you.  It was good to have you there.  I honestly can't believe either of us got released today.  You just had surgery Sir, I'm surprised they let you go."

"I didn't give them much choice Pet.  I know my rights and I'm a bad patient.  They didn't mind seeing the back end of me too much."

"I'm sure all doctors are." Granted, him more than most but still.

"Yes, we're almost as bad as nurses."

"Nurses?  Why are they such horrible patients?"

"Because they think they know more than the doctors."

"Do they?" I asked.

"Sometimes" he admitted.

I almost laughed but my ribs were glad I didn't. It was the closest thing we'd had to a real conversation since the accident and it felt really good. "Is your arm in a cast? Or a sling?"

"I have an immobilization sling on. It wraps around my back and holds my right arm bent just as you would imagine."

"Can you take it off to sleep?" I wondered. He had enough trouble sleeping already and without pain meds he was going to be in for a rough night. My tomorrow would be better if he got some sleep.

"No. But the boot can come off as long as I'm not putting weight on my foot."

I guess that helped. "I hope you can sleep Sir."

"I've pretty much given up hope of that, Pet."

"Do you mind me being out here? Am I bothering you?" I was setting myself up for a quick dismissal and time alone in bed but it mattered. His voice didn't sound angry, just tired and strained but I couldn't see his face. I really didn't know.

"No. It's better now that Kevin and his boy are gone. I hope I'm not being rude I just don't have the ability to filter right now."

"You're fine. Mine aren't working so well either."

"You have filters?" he asked, surprised.

"Of course. A huge Dom filter, or should I say sub filter? Not sure which one it is but yeah, there are all sorts of rules to remember when I'm with you."

He took a few slow, deep breaths and I was glad he could. "I had never thought of it that way. You have permission to drop it. I have been told countless times and I am aware that I am very bad at putting myself in others shoes. However, not being able to see seems rather... I don't know. Frightening? Disconcerting? Perhaps something stronger than that. Are you okay Pet?"

I didn't realize until that moment how important acknowledgement is. I also wasn't aware that even though I'd been trying not to get angry I had developed a ball of Greg stress. It disappeared. "I'm okay here with you. I know I'm safe."

"Yes, yes you are." I tried to get comfortable but there was simply no way to make it happen. "Would you like a bath? It might help with your soreness."

How had I not thought of that? How had he? "That sounds wonderful actually. I'll do that, thank you." I stood up and tried to feel for the hallway wall after taking a few steps.

"I'll make sure you're in and settled" he said.

I hadn't heard him get up or maybe my brain was just too tired to pay attention. He put his hand in the small of my back and helped guide me. "That's very kind of you Sir."

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