Forty Four

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*ahem* There wasn't much smut the first half of this book. I'm making up for it. I tried writing the dinner but it just wasn't working. This, however, will hopefully make up for it.

Kristie was her amazing self and Jeremy was gracious. They brought over dessert and honestly didn't even bat an eye when Greg said things that might make other people cringe or at least create a pause in the conversation. To be fair, Greg did great. I had no idea if it was last night's scene that had put him in such a good mood but I was more than willing to do it every week if that was the case and hell, even if it wasn't.

As soon as I closed the door behind them and turned around he was standing there in Dom pose, his arms crossed over his chest like he owned the place. Well, he certainly owned my cock by the way it reacted and my ass, oh hells yes he owned that. I dropped into waiting. He didn't say anything and eventually I looked up. He was just watching me, a smile on his face. I dropped my head again.

"How long would you wait there Pet?"

"If you were here with me? A long time."

"It's nice that you don't feel the need to question me constantly."

I couldn't argue, I did. I needed to stop doing that. "You're happy and you've been really good to me tonight. I'm relaxed."

"Settled and calm looks very good on you Pet. I'd like to unsettle you but this is a date night."

"Sir I am all yours. I'm absolutely willing to get thrown over the counter."

"In that case, get up here." He put me on my back which I hadn't expected, my knees bent so that my heels rested on the edge. He unbuttoned my shirt and left my arms in, tying it to the handles on the upper cabinet. The granite, when I laid back down, was cold. He took off my socks, jeans and boxers next and pulled over a dining room chair.

I had no idea what was going on but I didn't have to. Him getting into my freezer certainly surprised me but when I saw the ice cream I started to get a clue.

"I had no doubt you'd have some hidden away in here. Kristie's cake was delicious but I'm still hungry. You don't mind, do you?"

"Um, no, no Sir. Help yourself."

He looked so pleased with himself that I couldn't help but look away. When the cold hit me, the scoop of ice cream settling right on my balls, I jumped. "Oh fuck, fuck cold." A second one joined in, sliding down from the tip of my cock. I threw my head to the side and yanked at my arms because I had to do something. And then his mouth was taking me in and he was so warm and felt so good and I didn't even care that cold ice cream was slipping down the crack of my ass. "Ahhh yes."

He brought me right to the brink and then left me, the cool air in the room a shock to my still slick cock. His tongue was lapping at my balls then, tugging them into his mouth and I tried to focus on not actually levitating off the table. It didn't help much. When he teased my bud, so gentle yet so determined, I wilted, melting more than the ice cream had. "Delicious. So fucking sweet."

I tried to look down but I couldn't see him at all. "God Sir yes, please..."

"What are you asking for Pet?"

"Need you." I was vibrating with need and he knew it. He knew what I needed.

"Tell me" and then my cock was down his throat so deep that all I wanted to do was come and shoot down his throat. If I could have flipped over and held him there I would have been sorely tempted. I wasn't immune to knowing how insanely sexy that would be from the other side.

How did he expect me to concentrate? "Need fucked, your cock, please. Need you."

"You were such a good boy tonight. You can do better than that."

"Need you to own me Sir, fuck me so hard I feel it tomorrow. You're so good to me, need you to be bad now. Please, take it. Take me."

He was gone then and a dishcloth was cleaning up at least some of the mess. "Want to play a game?"

"Yes, the fuck me game. Please."

He chuckled, then squeezed my cock until I moaned. "I think, if you try really hard, you can come from being used like the good little cunt you are. If you can come without me touching your cock again, I'll give you a reward. If you don't, I'll put you over my knee and spank you until you do. What do you think it'll be, Pet?" He slid in then, slow and steady and unyielding. "Think you're such a good fuckboy that you can come for me? Hmmm?"

He wasn't moving and I NEEDED fucked. He was torturing me. "I'll try Sir, I can... please please fuck me!" Not that a spanking sounded bad. Shit, I won either way and so did he. I loved this game already.

He lifted my knees, resting them both up on his good shoulder. "Not going anywhere now, gonna take every inch aren't you?"

"Yes, please Sir."

I came hard only a few minutes later and he was right with me, holding my thighs against him as he emptied deep. "Fuck Pet, so good."

I was oddly proud of myself and also a sticky mess. I needed a shower in the worst way. "Want to get a shower?"

"No, I'll get one at home."

"Do I really get a present?"

"Yes, you'll get it tomorrow." He helped me stand up and watched as I hobbled towards the bathroom. "Do you need me to stay?"

"No Sir, I'm fine." He'd been with my friends all night and at work all day, he needed to get away from people and I got it.

"Goodnight Pet."

"Night Sir. See you at 5."

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