Twenty Five

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I got over myself during my shower. He didn't owe me cuffs. It was my damn fault I didn't have them and even though he'd said that me missing our anniversary hadn't mattered to him, I think it did. He was hurt and maybe he didn't realize that was part of it but it just had to be. Me turning them down had hurt him much more than I had meant it to but to be fair to myself, I hadn't exactly been thinking much when it happened. I had no idea how I was going to earn them but I'd just bide my time and wait until he was ready. I sure as hell wouldn't turn them down a second time.

"I called the dealership and they open at 11" he explained when I sat down on the couch with him.

"Okay Sir, that's fine with me." I really wanted to ask him about Kevin and Ollie. I needed help with well, everything. At least the rules. Maybe he could help me there. "Sir?"


"Another sub has asked me to speak to his Dom about a concern he has. Is that allowed?"

He looked at me like I had just eaten a cockroach. "I can't imagine why that would be necessary. They should work it out between themselves."

I agreed with him, I did. "I think he's tried Sir."

"Then if they can't agree he will end the contract."

"It's uh, not that simple. And this sub is my friend and I want to help, somehow. Would it be wrong of me to ask the Dom for a meeting?"

"As long as you have been asked by the sub, make a polite request of the Dom and respect his decision I don't see that it would violate any rules. However, Pet... is this Ollie?"


"And Kevin. And that's why they can't break the contract. Ah, the scening."

"Yeah. Has Kevin said anything to you about why? Poor Ollie is going crazy."

"Yes, I know. I've tried speaking to Kevin but he refuses to see past his own fear. I can't really fault him for that and I think he just needs time. It's not as if he doesn't enjoy working Ollie over. He is going a bit crazy himself. Ollie needs to be patient."

I nodded. He'd helped and agreed with me and I couldn't have asked for more but I really wanted there to be an answer. "I hate that I feel like I owe it to Ollie to try."

"You don't. But you have reminded me of something. Pet, how would you feel about performing at Conflicted? To be clear, I mean doing a scene onstage. Kevin and Ollie had a space booked in a few weeks but Kevin has offered it to me."

Uh. Red Alert. Red Alert. Okay, one. WASHEFUCKINGOUTOFHISMIND? Two, Ollie NEEDED it. "I don't know Sir." Was this it? Was this how I would 'earn' my cuffs? Was it a test? "Do I have to?"

"Of course you don't. It was simply an offer. Should I take that as a 'no'?"

"No! I mean it's not definitely a no. Oh god Sir I don't know! It's scary."

"You're an exhibitionist and it would be fun. The choice is yours. Discuss it with Ollie if you'd like."

"That would help Sir, can I?"

"Certainly. Let me know next weekend and I can let Tom know when we're there. One other thing. If you would like me to meet or spend time with a friend or couple of your choosing, you may arrange a double date for Friday."

You could have blown me over with a feather. I was glad I was sitting down. "A double date?"

"Yes. It's when two couples do the same thing at the same time. Together."

I didn't mean to laugh at him but GOD he was funny. I died. I cackled until my side hurt. I couldn't see for all the tears. I laughed like I hadn't laughed in weeks. "Oh god I love you Sir. You're hysterical." And then I sobered up quick. "Sorry." I blew a breath out and turned to grab a tissue to wipe my eyes. "Sorry."

"For what?"

"Well if you thought I was laughing AT you, I'm sorry. But no, for the L word. It just slips out sometimes."

"I know. I'm uh, getting used to it. It's okay."

I didn't know where to go from there but luckily he decided that it was time to go to the dealership. I was happy to have any excuse to go somewhere with him and if it helped him out, even better. We were in luck and they had a car that quote/unquote met his needs. He was a salesperson's nightmare so I was glad to be there and smooth over some edges. We both drove over to drop off his rental car and then I took him back to the dealership to pick up his new car before we had a late lunch. It was nice even though there had probably been easier ways to get it done.

That evening when I got home I texted Kevin. I had to. I had to at least try and then, just like Greg's car had been weighing on him, it would be off my plate.

Chris: Hello Sir. Would it be possible for us to have a meeting and discuss something?

Harriet: Sure. What's up Chris? Greg okay?

Chris: It's actually not about me, I'm worried about Ollie.

Harriet: Can you come over now?

Chris: Yes Sir.

Before I left I sent a message to Jeremiah to see if he and Jessica had plans Friday night. It was someone Greg was at least a little bit familiar with and seemed like a good place to start. It was pretty hard to ruffle Jeremiah's feathers as long as the food was good and Jess was a sweetheart. The night would be a success. I still couldn't believe he'd offered so I wanted to make it as easy on him as possible.

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