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*** Okay so this is going to be a long scene so you can skip if you want.  I'll mark when the real chapters begin again.  This may be too dirty/intense for some of you and that's fine. 

I parked and stared at the bricks in front of me.  There were lots of tinted windows and it looked so NORMAL but I knew what was going to happen when I rapped twice on the door marked 1B.  There was one other car here and I thought it might be the piercer's although maybe he wasn't coming until later?  Greg had asked me how involved I would allow him to be and I'd left that up to Greg.  It was nice being the sub.

This pounding in my chest should have been nerves and it was, partly.  But the other 90% was excitement, plain and simple.  Still, no matter how much I was looking forward to it, actually getting out of my car and walking up to that door seemed almost impossible.  My cock and balls were furious at me and I had to pee and nothing would get resolved until I walked in.  Did he know that I would sit here worrying and that the physical needs would force me to go inside?  Probably.  I had no doubt that there was more involved than that though.  It was 2:59.  I needed to be brave.  I would thank myself later.

It wasn't Greg that opened the door, it was Justin.  "Hey, you must be Chris.  This way please."  He was gorgeous and muscular as all hell and I immediately started trying to decide if he was a sub or Dom.  He opened the door to a large exam room and then pulled the curtain closed behind us.  "Strip."

In front of him?  I didn't breathe for a few seconds and then I smiled.  Greg knew and hell, why the fuck not?  I lifted my shirt over my head and draped it on the chair, then slid down my pants and stood in just my boxers.

"All of it."  Definitely a Dom.  I slid out of them, trying to focus on the room instead of Justin or the annoying leather strap tied around my cock and balls.  There was another door in the back wall, a window with a shade over it that must have been to the outside and a video camera in the corner.  I panicked and Justin noticed.  "Short circuit to the next room where the Doctor is watching.  I'll be watching from there later."  He reached out and ran his thumbs over my nipples.  "Very nice.  You'll do just fine.  Now hop up on the exam table and the Doctor will be in shortly."

He made me wait just long enough to get nervous and the door opened.  "Hello Chris, I'm Doctor Clemens."

"Hi Doc."

He was flipping through a chart, god he was brilliant.  "It says you need a full sports physical.  What do you play?"

Crap, a sport?  "Um, baseball."

"Very good."  He snapped on rubber gloves and the sound made my ass clench.  He walked over, bringing a rolling table with him.  Damn he looked damn good in his scrubs.  "I'm going to check your eyes and ears now."  He actually did too, shining the light into my eyes and making me follow his finger.  He checked my ears and then slowly pressed along my neck to feel my glands.  "Have you been having any problems, Chris?"

"Um, no.  Pretty healthy."

"Good.  Now, I need to take your temperature.  Feet here on the step, then turn and rest your chest on the exam table."  He pulled out a long metal thermometer and shook it before applying a bit of lube.

"Wait, in my bum?"

"Of course, it's the most reliable.  Turn."


"Are you going to make this difficult Chris?  I can simply tell your coach that you refused to get an exam.  How badly do you want to play?  It's simply a thermometer."

"Fine.  I have to play Doc, it's... okay sorry I was just nervous.  I've never uh, you know."  Hopefully I'd argued enough.  I turned around happily, resting my weight.  I needed to get through this so I could piss.

"I assure you that I have given this same examination to your teammates."  He slid it in easily, his hand pressing against my ass cheek as he held it in place.  "Very good, just relax.  You're a very cute boy, there's nothing to be ashamed of."  He reached around and undid the strap, thank god.  I sighed.  Then the thermometer twisted and rocked just enough that I couldn't ignore it before he removed it.  "Very good, perfect."

"Can I uh, put a johnny on now?"

"No, stay right where you are.  I'm going to need to do a prostate exam but I need you cleaned out.  It's vital to your health and we need to make sure your system is working properly if you wish to be the best player you can be."

Cleaned out?  And then the plug went in and I knew what I was in for.  I just tried to relax.  "You'll get two quarts, Chris.  If it gets to be too much you may push up from the table and rock a bit to help things move along.  We'll go nice and slow.  You may get some cramping but that means it's working."

"But I need to pee Doc."

"You're going to have to hold it until this part of the exam is finished.  You may urinate when you go into the bathroom to empty.  Now let's see what you're made of.  I know coach Walker doesn't like wimps on his team.  You're going to take it all so don't bother fussing."

I thought about Justin watching me as the water started to flow.  It felt good, I always loved it at first.  He'd never given me that much though, wasn't two quarts like a two liter soda bottle?  I think he'd given me like half a bag before?  I looked back and saw two full bags hanging from an IV hook, a thin tube snaking into the plug in my ass.  There was no way I could do this.  No way.  I couldn't see Greg so I turned my head to the other side.  He was sitting on a stool at a small desk, not even looking my way.  I felt very alone even though I knew I wasn't but it was a huge turn-on, this helpless feeling.  "Doc I'm full, it's hurting."

He got up and simply changed over the bag.  "Lift yourself up, give that water some room."  He gave the plug in my ass a quick pump and I almost fell back towards the table.  "You can crawl up here boy, hands and knees.  There you go, rock it in.  Can you feel how deep it is?  Don't try to push it out, you're getting completely filled."

I could, the warm water was all I could feel and in between the tight cramps it actually felt amazing.  I looked down and my stomach seemed a bit distended.  My cock was so hard it was tapping against my stomach and my balls were still aching from the effects of the cord.  I needed to piss so bad that I probably would have if I hadn't been so hard.

"Very good Chris, you're doing just great.  Now you're going to hold that for ten minutes and during that time I'll be testing your reflexes and how easily you bruise.  Quick bruising can be a symptom of many different illnesses.  Now, feet back down.  Move carefully and take your time."

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