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I got a text the next morning from Ollie. Honestly I was sort of in 'get ready for wedding' mode and didn't want to dissolve into tears or get any more pissed off because I knew it was likely about Greg but I couldn't not read it, either. I made sure my hair wasn't about to dry into something resembling a birds nest and then clicked on his message.

Ozzie: Chris, you need to come over here and GET your man! I swear girl! It is too early for this.

Chris: I don't want to know.

Ozzie: I totally get why you're disappointed. Master tried to talk him into going to the wedding last week, sorry. Now he's over here waving a piece of paper and rambling about all sorts of shit.

Kevin had tried to help? Really? Surprising.

Chris: I don't know how to help you. It's not like I can go over there and pick him up.

Ozzie: *sigh* Are you mad at me too or just M?

Chris: Not you at all but the situation sucks. Hey, wanna go to a wedding with me?

Ozzie: I absolutely would but we have plans. But I could ask him... are you okay?

Of course they had plans. Everyone had plans with their Doms except for me.

Chris:  Please don't - I'm fine, no worries. I'll have fun. Hey maybe I'll catch the bouquet.

I needed to think happy thoughts and be in a good mood; Kristie deserved it.

Ozzie:  Wait, hold the hell up.  You turned down cuffs??!?!?!?!!

Chris: How did you know that?

Ozzie:  Have you not HEARD Sir's voice?  It's hard to NOT hear when he's stomping around in your house.

True. Okay, my curiosity was piqued.

Chris:  You can hear them? What is he saying?  And yeah, I did. Why?

Ozzie: Holy hell Chris, no wonder he's freaking out. He's telling Master that he didn't get it, that Sir didn't realize how much 'one non-family wedding' mattered but that he can't. He wants to but he can't. Maybe go to the wedding? It's hard to follow.  He's skipping all over the place. 

Ozzie:  Something about a puzzle and breaking the contract?  Master is trying to calm him down but I'm gonna go hide in my room in about two minutes. I don't need this.

Chris: I'm sorry. Hey, any chance he's wearing a blue button down?

Ozzie: Nope, a t-shirt. His hair's a mess. He looks tired.  I mean not that he's not handsome.

His crazy hair. It reminded me of fixing it and his stubble and the kiss and... Why was a huge part of me still hoping he'd change his mind? He wouldn't, he couldn't. But if I was supposed to feel bad that he was upset, well so was I. He was the one in charge, he could just FIX it. I was stuck.

That wasn't fair, he was stuck a little too but I decided that I deserved one day to be angry. It was better than being sad. I could smile when angry but breaking into tears at Kristie's reception was going to be hard to explain.  I mean I loved her and all but there's a difference between some wetties during the vows and a hard, ugly cry over the fish dinner.

Chris: I need to get ready.

Ozzie: Tell me about the cuffs first, please? Why?!?!?!

Chris: I was mad and I'm thinking about him enough. He doesn't want to be with me so why should I take them? It's not fair. I'll wear them later when he's ready to be mine too.

Ozzie: If he offers them. It's a big deal Chris, explain to him that you still want them. Oh crap, I've been summoned. Bye

I went to my closet and took out my dark suit and then pulled out the shirt with the tie I had planned to wear draped over it. Nope, it wasn't happening now. I wasn't wearing the tie that would have gone perfectly with his shirt. I didn't want to think about him all day.

 I didn't want to think about him all day

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Red, that was safe. No, I didn't like any of them. Fuck it and fuck him, the turquoise would look great with her wedding purple and I wanted to wear it. I did my hair and got dressed except for my tie which I'd do last and my jacket which I would hang in the car for the ride over. It certainly wasn't cold enough to need it. I never understood why getting dressed up for men involved putting on three layers of wool and for women it meant baring almost everything. How did that make for anyone being comfortable? We needed the thermostat set to about 55 and the women were more comfortable at 80. I shook my head, there were more important things to worry about.

I signed Greg's name to the card and sealed it, then placed it and the gift into the car so I wouldn't forget them.

Ozzie:  I don't know why they thought I could help.  It's such a hard position to be in.

I felt bad for him and the best thing I could think to do was lighten the mood.

Chris:  I'm sure you're a pro at all kinds of hard positions.  You'll survive.

Ozzie:  haha. Trust me, I don't enjoy that one.  But maybe Master will be pissed off enough to play later.  I'm sure as hell going to try.

Chris:  Not going any better?

Ozzie:  Nope.  He seems to think I'll end up in the hospital if he puts a bruise on me. :(  Will you talk to him?

Chris:  You're kidding, right?

Ozzie:  I was kind of but now I'm not.  Unintentional brilliance.  Please?

Chris:  I'm literally leaving right now.  Byeeee

Me, helping him with Kevin?  Rolling my eyes wasn't enough, I had to squeeze them shut while the horror passed.  No.  It simply wasn't gonna happen no matter how much I loved Ollie or how much I owed him or how helpful he'd... shit.  Later.  I would deal with it later.  I grabbed my jacket and was out the door. I had a party to attend.

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