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*** Sorry this chapter is so short but sometimes they just need to stop where they need to stop. I'm glad you're all enjoying this book so far and I wanted to thank you so much for all the votes and amazing comments!

The next morning I was fairly unceremoniously pushed out the door. Kevin arrived to pick both of us up and drop Greg at work and me at home. I'd answered Greg truthfully when he asked how my eyes were during breakfast and he was just as relieved for himself as he was for me. It was okay though, honestly, because I missed my kitty and I knew Greg needed to get back to his schedule and some time to himself. I didn't mind being alone at home either, I had a lot of catching up to do, plans to reschedule and meetings to attend.

Friday morning I messaged him asking how he was and whether we would have date night. He didn't answer and I took that as a 'fine and no'. He had a ton to do and I couldn't blame him for wanting one more evening alone after going back to work so quickly. I went out to dinner with Kristie who was practically vibrating with nerves about her upcoming wedding. We had a few drinks and got caught up and both felt better when she dropped me off.

Saturday I shaved and caught myself humming as I drove towards Greg's for our weekly 5 o'clock appointment. I knew things might be limited this weekend because of his shoulder but whatever he'd decided would hopefully help de-stress the both of us. I pulled into my spot, noticing the rental car parked on his side of the garage. That probably wasn't a good sign but hopefully he'd gone shopping today and the paperwork would come through shortly.

"What are you doing here?" he barked before my hand had even left the knob.

I stood there, shoes still on, wondering if I should close the door behind me or not. "Sir? It's almost 5."

"Not this week. Get out Chris."

He was so mad and grouchy and didn't even look at me; I could only see the back of his head and shoulders from where he sat on the couch. I couldn't move but I didn't have any words either. I was supposed to be immune to his rudeness by now but this one hurt. "Why didn't you tell me yesterday? I texted and you could have told me. I didn't know."

"I'm telling you now. Goodbye."

"But the garage was open." It sounded lame even to me but it was. Why was it open if I wasn't supposed to be here? Was someone else coming? No, he wouldn't but...

"Fucking KEVIN. He... I'm sick of the fucking manipulation. He left it open on purpose."

"Oh." I should have left. I should have gotten back in my car, gone home to my cat and a movie and been done with this. But I had been looking forward to seeing him and now I was worried and he was right there, so close but so far away. Did he expect me to not fight for what I wanted? For what he owed me? "I'm sorry about the misunderstanding but it's our time Sir, please?"

"I can't HELP YOU today Chris, do you not understand that? Go home." He stood then and finally faced me but his glance was fleeting and his eyes were gone, his head turned towards the kitchen.

"I don't need anything, I just want to see you."

"Well here I am. You've seen me, now go."

He'd taken me literally. It was almost cute. What wasn't cute was the bruising that remained and the stitches which I could see even through his stubble. "No, I mean I want to spend time with you Sir."

"And I want to spend time with myself. Alone. And guess what? I win. For once I WIN, Pet. Get out. I can not DEAL with you today. Be a damn sub for once and LISTEN."

"Yes Sir." I closed the door behind me but didn't pull out of the garage until my hands stopped shaking. I wasn't sure where we went from here. Did I just wait until he decided to text me? Would he come to the wedding with me next weekend? Was he going to ignore me until he was all healed up and how long would that take? Was I making too much out of this or did I make too little out of everything else?

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