Thirty Five

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*** This story will be the death of me. The ideas are there and demand to be written.

I woke up gently and very groggy. I saw Greg at the door and realized the bell or knocking must have woken me but I felt drugged and couldn't even be bothered to sit back up. I just closed my eyes because it was too much work to get up and eat.

He was touching me the next time I surfaced, his fingertips grazing along my scalp. "Time to wake up, Pet. Dinner is ready."

I didn't want to wake up, I wanted him to keep touching me. I was warm and cozy and so, so sleepy. It was time though, he wanted me up and I was going to have to get vertical at some point. "So tired. Sorry."

"I know, it's like trying to swim in syrup." Yes, yes exactly! My eyes fluttered open and then closed again. "But you need to eat. Come along." He was moving my legs and I groaned in a pitiful attempt to make him stop but he got me fairly upright and offered his hand to me.

Dinner was good although I really didn't taste much of it. I sort of did it by reflex, pure muscle memory reminding me when to open and close my mouth and when to chew and swallow. I didn't make conversation and he didn't either and it felt like watching a movie in slow motion. He led me to the bathroom and then helped me get dressed as if I were an invalid and I guess I sort of was. I was just foggy. I would start to come out of it a bit but then it would settle back down over me and I just didn't bother fighting it because I didn't have any energy to spare. Plus, it was nice.

"I feel as if I have a Little, dressing you this way. You're very quiet."

"Hmm, yeah." I sighed, that probably wasn't right but screw it. Eh. I wanted to be back on the couch with him and I wished it were late enough that I could just to go bed. I wondered if there was any way he'd let me sleep with him tonight but even trying to think of a plan was too hard. Whatever happened would be fine.


He was behind me and we were in front of the armoire and I finally looked into the mirror to see him. Damn, I looked hot as hell. I had on my skinny black jeans and my heeled boots and it put me right up to his eyes. He'd attached a really light chain to my piercings and it caught the light and brought even more attention to them. I had my play collar on and looked perfect except for... and then the tears started. "I'm so sorry."

"What's wrong Pet?"

I couldn't even say, I just made a cup with my right hand and rubbed my left wrist, missing them. "Why did they take them? Why didn't I take them? I'm so sorry."

"You'll have your new ones soon enough Pet, don't worry. You look perfect and everyone will know you're mine."

I tried to meet his eyes but couldn't quite do it so I stared at the black t-shirt pulled tight across his shoulders. Damn but he was lickable. "God you're hot."

He chuckled, prying my hands apart and resting his hands on my bicep. "I'm glad you think so. It's time to go."

*** *** ***

I sipped a cold-brew coffee during the drive over and by the time we met up with Kevin and Ollie I was feeling a bit more awake and alive. I don't know if it was the atmosphere which was always sort of vibrant or if it was the coffee or dinner and blood sugar or just getting out of the house but whatever the reason, it was sort of nice to be back. I was still super relaxed and very chill but it was a more aware state.

As soon as I was settled on the mat next to Ollie he grabbed my hand and nodded towards my new rings. "You did it!"

He gave my hand a squeeze and dropped it and I rested my head against Greg's thigh. "This afternoon. It was... wow. Yeah."

"You look completely wasted." From most people it would have been a condemnation but he was tickled as hell for me.

"So much fun."

"Enjoy the glow Chris, enjoy."

"Kevin and I are going to go speak with Tom. We'll be right back." Greg pushed his chair back and I had to lift my head to give him room.

I had no idea what was going on and didn't care, we were just hanging in the lounge and I knew they wouldn't be gone long. I adjusted how I was sitting and tried to roll my shoulders because they were tense and I knew I'd be achy tomorrow morning. And then Ollie started literally scooting backwards towards the wall. He banged into a chair and didn't even notice and didn't stop trying even once his back was against the wooden divider. "Ollie?"

A shadow crossed over me and walked right past me, kicking the chair to push it out of his way. I only saw his back and he wasn't that big but I knew from his armband placement that he was definitely a Dom. "Well what do we have here? Little Ollie all alone?"

He wasn't alone, I was here but... fuck. This wasn't okay, was it? I didn't like the tone of his voice, it was menacing. I glanced around but didn't see Kevin or Greg or anyone actually, that I knew. I thought about getting up and running to the bartender but instead I crawled right over to Ollie and sat down, trying to get between the two. I wanted to stand up but confrontation is just NOT my thing and I didn't want to get in trouble if it was fine. At least from here I could see everything and the dude would know there was a witness.

"Move, BOY" he sneered, his boot making contact with my knee as he shoved me away.

Ollie was shaking and in full-on panic attack mode and obviously scared. That wasn't okay. "Leave him the fuck alone!"

At least it got some attention because another Dom stood up from his table and a couple heads turned but it didn't do enough because the dude couldn't take a hint. He reached right out and grabbed Ollie by the hair, pulling him to his knees.

"GREG!!" I yelled without a thought. I couldn't say Sir, we were surrounded and I needed... "GREG!"

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