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I had no idea what time it was when I woke up. Honestly it took me a few seconds to even remember where I was. It had been a good, deep nap and I woke up groggy and happy. I stretched carefully, trying in vain to work a few knots out of my sore muscles. That was also the moment I realized that I hadn't told Ollie about the most amazing news of the week; I'd kissed Greg. And he'd kissed me back! Speaking of Greg, where was he?

I made my way out into the hallway and to the living room but didn't see him. "Greg?" I asked. "Sir?"

"Office, Pet" he answered and I turned back and made my way down the hallway.

I felt for the trim around the door, not quite trusting my eyes even though I could mostly make it out. Still, I had no need for more bruises. "May I come in?"

"Why do you need to?"

Wow, his mood apparently hadn't improved. He'd said I had free reign of the house and I had really just asked to be polite. I guess he hadn't meant it. "I wanted to talk to you Sir."

"And you can't do it from there?" He huffed. "Fine, come in."

"Um, no, sorry, I'm fine here. Um..." I rubbed at my wrist, wondering if I should wait. The problem was, the longer I waited the longer it would take to replace them. "Sir?"

"I'm waiting."

"My cuffs seem to have gone missing in the crash."

"Seem to have?"

"Well I can't exactly look for them Sir!" I snapped. Mistake. "I'm sorry Sir, I'm angry they're gone not... sorry."

"Has Ollie looked?"

"Yes Sir."

"I don't remember seeing them either, the EMT's probably removed them before putting you in the ambulance. You don't need to wear them."

"But I..." I sighed, I couldn't help it. I didn't finish though, it wasn't worth it. I wasn't with it enough to say anything right and my headache was coming back with a vengeance. I turned to go.

"Ah, would you like me to replace them Chris? Is that what you're asking?"

Thank God. "Yes Sir."

"Very well, it won't be a problem. Is that all?"

"No Sir. I wanted to ask if you would order dinner in tonight? Instead of asking Ollie to bring something? And what time is it?"

"I can order if you wish. It's 4:26 p.m." I'd been asleep a long time. His phone rang then and I backed up, not sure if I needed to leave. Maybe I should try to find my meds. "Wait." He talked a few minutes and my guess was that it was Kevin. I was right. "Kevin and Ollie will bring dinner over at 7:30."

I just nodded a bit. The thing was, I was bored. What was I going to do for three hours? "What are you up to Sir? Are you busy?"

"I am up to nothing. I am doing my best to... nothing. What do you need?"

"Some company?" I didn't forget the last time I'd been sick. "Your company Sir."

"Fine, let's go into the living room. You'll be more comfortable sitting."

I made my way with him right behind me. He smelled good and I wanted something, anything from him to let me know we were alright. I don't know why I was worried, the shower had been fine and he didn't seem angry with me but things were just weird. "How are you feeling?"

"Compared to what?"

Oh, he didn't know what I was asking. "Do you feel better than this morning?"

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