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The very first thing I did when I woke up the next time was to close my eyes.  It felt like daggers shooting into my head when they were open and I already had the worst headache I could ever remember having.  I tried to roll to my side and curl up into a ball, my normal post-drinking morning death position but the bed was weird.  I couldn't see and nothing was---

"Chris, it's okay.  What do you need?" Ollie asked.

"Ollie?  Can I turn?  My head hurts."

"If you could see yourself right now you'd know how funny that statement is.  All of you must hurt.  Let me ask the nurse and see what we can do, okay?  How are you feeling?"


"Yeah honey, still in the hospital."

"Still?  When?"

"It's Monday sweetie, almost lunch time.  You've been asleep a long time." 

He was talking to someone else then so I stopped paying attention; thinking hurt.  My head tilted down and then I was rolling, a pillow placed behind my back.  "Are you hungry?" from a woman, it must have been the nurse who was positioning me.

Food sounded awful but somehow right, too.  "Thirsty."

"I'll get you some juice.  Apple or cranberry?"

"Apple."  Why would they offer cranberry to people who were already ill?  Unless it had vodka in it of course.

"Chris, can you see anything now?" Ollie asked, moving his chair.  I think he was pulling it to the side I was facing.

"Can't tell, hurts too much to open.  I don't remember seeing anything." 

"Well Sir Greg drilled the docs last night, damn you should have heard him Chris.  The doc said that you'll likely get one big improvement soon and then the rest will slowly clear up.  You know how people are though, you're going to do whatever your body wants but hopefully you'll be able to see enough to get around."

"So, our Christopher is finally awake is he?" a deep-voiced man joked.  He had an accent and had a happy voice.  I liked him already.  "I'm Doctor Garcia, do you remember me from yesterday?"

"I uh, no I don't think so.  I don't remember much."

"That's fine, that's fine.  I want to take a look at your eyes and I have brought you some special glasses that may help.  Open please."

"Hurts" I croaked.

"I know, you are very light sensitive.  That is from the concussion.  Yes, your retinas both look fine.  Good, good.  Here, let's try these on."  He slid the glasses on me and they felt weird but there was so much else wrong that it almost didn't register.  "Now open please, how is that?"

It was dark, really dark.  There were lots of lighter spots though and it didn't hurt as much to keep them open as it had before.  "Better."

"Can you see any color?  Movement?"

Was he?  "Yes, red?"

"Good, good.  I'm waving a red folder in front of your face."

It was probably mental but knowing what he was doing made it seem a little clearer.  Maybe I could just imagine that I saw it.  "Everything is so blurry."

The doctor chuckled.  "Yes, it will be.  That's alright, I know it is quite alarming and can seem scary but you're actually doing just fine.  If you eat a good lunch and get up to use the restroom we will see about getting you discharged later today.

Seriously?  "I can go even though I can't see?"

"Yes.  There's nothing we can do for that.  Of course you'll need some help at home but I'm sure your friends can work with you?  If not we can send you to a rehab facility, the choice is yours.  Or, if you're fond of our hospitality you can stay, but it's rather expensive and your insurance probably won't cover much more."

"I don't know."  And then the door banged closed and then I heard Ollie up and he was whispering to someone.  "Who?"

"Sorry Chris, it's just me." Kevin said.

"It's Master" Ollie supplied, confirming my suspicion.  "Doctor Garcia left so it's just us three."

"Greg just got discharged, he's picking up his prescription downstairs and will be in shortly.  He needed some fresh air and downtime" Kevin said.  "So let's talk about tonight and the next week or six, whatever it takes, okay?  You need help and Greg needs help.  Ollie can't do it all--"

"No I don't expect--"

"Excuse me, I wasn't finished.  He can't do it all if you're in separate houses.  We have two options.   One, you both move into our guest room.  It's easiest but we have to think about Gteg's routine.  Greg's place is on one level and he'll be much more comfortable there so the obvious answer is for you to move into Greg's house for awhile.  You know your way around there and Ollie can come during the day to help you two with things and do the cooking, cleaning, run errands.  Whatever you need.  Does that work for you?"

"I could ask Kristie or Jeremiah. Oh shit, work."  I was supposed to be on a plane to Ohio.

"I talked to Esther" Ollie said.  "She said she'd take care of everything and for you not to worry.  I'm supposed to call her about you having visitors today; I had no idea you'd be going home so soon.  The nurse is here."

What would I do without Ollie?  She took my blood pressure and gave me some pills to swallow and juice and announced lunch would be here in half an hour and then she was gone.  Being blind was making an already awful situation absolutely impossible.  I felt like I was falling and I couldn't think.  My head hurt and I just wanted it to stop.  "Sleep.  I can't do this."

I think it was Kevin who was touching my arm but I wasn't sure.  "We'll take care of everything Chris, just try to get better.  Get some rest" Kevin said kindly.

"Stop touching my boy" came as the door creaked open.

"Cranky just a little Gregory?" Kevin countered.  "Extenuating circumstances, don't you think?"


"Get everything you need?  All settled?" Kevin asked.

"Yes.  I can go."

"Then let's get you home.  You need some rest and Ollie can stay with Chris."

"Fine, if you insist.  I'll call a cab if getting a ride is inconvenient.  I don't like being in the hospital without scrubs on anyway, it's rather disconcerting.  Why is he wearing those ridiculous glasses?"

"They're blocking some of the light so he can keep his eyes open Sir" Ollie answered.

I was too tired to really worry too much about anything they were discussing, honestly.  Just following the conversation was taking every ounce of energy I had.  "Can you argue somewhere else?  You're loud.  Please?"  I just didn't care.  I didn't care where I went or when, I just wanted to sleep.

"Hallway, Greg" Kevin ordered and then it was finally fairly quiet if you didn't count all the beeping. 

I had no idea what was going on.  I closed my eyes and decided to let them figure it out.  Wait, why did Greg need Ollie's help?  I couldn't remember.  "Greg?  Sir?"  Shit, his name. I had to be more careful.

Chosen Boy [7]  bxb Bdsmजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें