Fifty Three

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I rubbed his back until I had to switch sides and then kept going until he forgot he was supposed to be all tough and started moaning and sighing with appreciation when I hit a good spot. Mostly I was just fixated on the silver chain around his neck. I knew what it led to, it led to a piece of me.

Eventually my arms were numb; it was time to play and I knew just how to get him going. "You have a really nice ass Sir."

"Stop looking at my ass."

"What do you think I've been doing for the last hour?" I teased. "Well that's not true, I've been looking at your freckles for at least half of it. This one" I said, pointing it out "Is super cute. And this big one reminds me of the sun." I jabbed at them with my fingertip, annoying him.


"Is this stuff flavored?" I leaned down and licked at his shoulder. I wanted his neck but there was a line between bratty and breaking limits and I wasn't sure where that line was but hopefully I was on my side of it. "Yummy."

He flipped over and grabbed my biceps. "If you need something in that mouth I can fill it up."

"Oooh Yay! CAKE!" I managed to clap.

The half eye roll, half brow furrow I got was really quite epic. "NO. Now you pay for your earlier behavior."

"But I gave you a nice massage, doesn't that count?" I made my best boo-boo lip pouty face.

"No, what would help is you sucking my cock." He grabbed me by the hair and pushed me straight down and buried my face in his jeans. "Better already. Take them off and show me if you're really sorry."

Yes Sir, absolutely Sir, please SIR. Damn he was hot as hell. I had them down in a heartbeat, his gorgeous cock got one lick before I took him in.

"There you go, that's a good boy. Do a good enough job and I'll shorten the session so I can fuck you. Or at least you'll get a break. I have no problem fucking you on the cross and going back to work afterwards." He pressed my head down and held me there. "Do I have your attention?"

"MmMhmmm" I managed to moan once I had a little air.

"Have you decided to be good? Or are you going to continue to be a naughty little minx? What will it be?"

Did I want to be a birthday slave or would we just play? It was my decision and I wanted it all. I'd missed him the past few weeks and definitely needed to be his. I had a flogging or whatever the hell he decided on coming no matter what. I knew how much he loved letting his walls down and how much he enjoyed his nights with me; that was more than obvious in the aftercare I got in the mornings. Could I handle all evening? Probably. I'd done a ton with him and this would hopefully be with the benefits of alcohol which always turned me into a nymph. How did he expect me to think with his cock down my throat? Too many questions.

"Back off a bit Pet, that is not for your mouth tonight." He tugged at my hair and I moved lower, licking at his balls and the base of his shaft.

"I'd love to play drunk but it's your birthday Sir. Whatever will please you. I'm yours."

"Oh Chris, you do make me crazy. How much wine would it take to get you happily tipsy but not drunk? Do you drink often enough to know?"

"Oh Sir, um, yes. Half a bottle and I will feel it but if I stop there it wears off quickly. A full bottle gets me really happy and floaty but I have to add a few shots or another half bottle to get really fall-down drunk."

"I want you to approve everything I plan to do. Listen carefully. I'm going to put you on the cross and work you over with the flogger. I don't intend to do much warming up, I will start fairly rough and do less reps on my arm. Then I'm going to fuck you, Pet, rough and fast. After that I want you naked the rest of the night and available to me. I would be satisfied with that unless you need more. I won't push too hard if you're not sober."

"I can take so much more than that Sir, you know I can. I won't drink if it helps, I want to be yours. I'm going to need more if I drink, it makes me horny as hell and you're... well you're you. I'm going to want everything you can give me. I want to be your birthday slave and I prefer to do it tipsy but if I can't, that's fine. I'm not going to safeword Sir, I want everything you do. Please?"

"Fine. You're giving me 100%?"

"Absolutely. I always do Sir and I love when you push me. Use me however you want. I won't see you next weekend and I miss you so much already, please? I need to be yours."

He was thinking, planning, preparing, making sure I would be safe. "We're going to have a lot of fun."

He was right. We did. And that cake? It was delicious. My favorite bite was the one I licked off his chest. He snarled and I called him Elvis and it earned me a few extra swats but they were worth it.

We didn't get to open his present until the next morning. I'd bought him the latest Sims for his Xbox and as soon as he opened it and got it installed I knew I had made the right decision. I made pancakes while he quickly got addicted. He certainly wasn't sad when it was time for me to leave and I was sure he would be playing the game again before I even pulled out the garage. Good. I was glad he would have something to do while I flew down to Mexico.

I was wrong, he wasn't glued to the tv and maybe he was a little sad or just being very sweet. When I backed onto the driveway he was at the window watching and he waved a quick goodbye before he disappeared. Bye Sir

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