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It had been good to catch up with Nick and I'd enjoyed every single minute of the hours I'd spent at the bar.  Well, except the three when the very old, very obvious 'willing to pay for a fun night with a young guy' dude had decided I was his next target.  I shut that down real fast by telling him my Dom would kick both our asses.  It amused me, but thinking of Greg really didn't.  I missed my cuffs and wondered if they'd be ready soon or if he had bothered to order them.  It's not like he didn't have a lot of other stuff on his plate. 

After that I'd finished my second drink and hung around afterwards not only because of the liquor but due to my eyes.  It had gotten dark while I sat in the bar and I wanted to make sure I was completely sober before driving at night for the first time.  Nick, being a gentleman, had offered to call me a cab or even take me home if I wanted to wait until his shift ended but I'd made it home on my own just fine.  I can't lie though, driving was a little scary.  I wondered if it bothered Greg and then got into a mental debate with myself about whether or not that would even occur to him or if I was being an asshole by even considering that it wouldn't.  I was tired when I woke up the next morning and I think my conscience must have been waging war all night.

Making things worse was the fact that I couldn't talk to Ollie or Kristie about it.  Ollie was off limits because my contract said that I couldn't let Greg find out about anything and even though nothing had happened, it was too big of a risk.  Kristie was only available if my house burned down or I ended up in the hospital.  Actually, the first wouldn't phase her, she'd just tell me to get a hotel.  She really was just completely and utterly GONE with wedding prep.  I didn't blame her but it would be nice to have my friend back.  Of course they were going to be gone for weeks on their honeymoon but at least there was an end in sight.

I didn't hear from Greg on Monday or Tuesday and by Wednesday I was sort of pissed.  Maybe I had pushed a little on Saturday but there's a fine line between making my thoughts and desires known loudly enough that he would catch on and being disrespectful.  I left the ball in his court though and didn't message him.  Did he miss me half as much as I missed him?  Probably not.  If he did, he'd call.

The people who did contact me included Kristie who was about to lose her mind if Saturday didn't get here and over with, and Nick who wanted to make sure I was okay and mentioned that he wouldn't be working next Saturday just in case I was thinking of coming back in.  He was working tonight though, and tomorrow.  But I knew it was a bad idea.  Seeing him again had been nice but there were too many feelings, even after all this time, for it to be safe. 

On Thursday, Greg finally reached out to me.  I had changed his contact name and chuckled when it appeared.

ItsAbout Time:  Hello Chris

That was it?  No hint, no nothing?

Chris:  Hello Sir

ItsAbout Time:  I did not intend to be rude last Saturday

Was that an apology?  I shrugged.  Then sighed.  I knew he hadn't really MEANT to be.  Okay, fine.

Chris:  Okay.  How are you feeling?

ItsAbout Time:  Better.  The boot is off and I have a different sling so I have some mobility in my arm and hand. 

ItsAbout Time:  I realize that my actions may have upset you.  I don't know if you wish to have your date night or not.

Oh god, he really was apologizing.  I felt bad for feeling bad, even though it made no sense.

Chris:  Of course I'd like to see you Sir.  I could just come over there if it would be easier?

ItsAbout Time:  That would be fine.  I'm happy to order dinner.

Chris:  I'm guessing you're tired of ordering in and I'm happy to cook.  I'll bring over whatever groceries I need and make dinner?  What time?

I probably could have gotten a shower, shaved and ironed my clothes before he answered.

ItsAbout Time:  Very well.  6.  No pasta.  Chicken or steak would be nice.  See you tomorrow Pet.

Why didn't he just make a menu and send it to me?  I didn't trust myself to make a steak as well as he could so chicken it was.  I perused my now rather full recipe binder that Mike had set me up with and made a grocery list.  Now all I had to do was actually get some sleep tonight and manage not to drive myself crazy before tomorrow evening.  No problem.

Yeah, right.

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