Forty Seven

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He handed me a chocolate and then looked down on me. "I want you in those little lace up the back shorts. And your cuffs. And nothing else."

Was it time to play? But shorts? I was confused. This whole afternoon had been absolutely amazing but certainly not exactly how our Saturdays usually went. "Waiting, Sir?"

"I don't know Pet. I'm a bit off my usual schedule. I'm not sure and I apologize."

"You don't need to Sir. I'll get dressed and then I'll be all yours, whatever you decide." He nodded just enough to say yes and I hightailed it to the Den. I knew exactly which shorts he wanted and other than taking an extra second to be careful removing my shirt, I hurried as much as I could. He was on the couch when I came back out and I wanted to help calm him down so I sat on the fluffy rug just a bit to his side, my back to him. Let him think. Let him relax. It was fine.

"Would it be rude to play a game? You're welcome to play as well."

Oh an Xbox game, not a game, game. "Not at all Sir but I'm happy to just watch. Or I could prepare dinner if you'd like." It was a bit early but it didn't seem like a bad idea to put the concept into his head if he wanted me further away than I was. I twirled my cuffs around, smiling. They were amazing.

He turned on Minecraft and he'd made a good bit of progress on the Capital building. I still thought he was sort of insane to even be trying it but I couldn't argue with the results. I replayed the evening in my head, still amazed that he'd made notecards so that he didn't forget any of his major points. He was really very sweet.

I was surprised that I wasn't up on the cross getting flogged. His shoulder seemed to not be giving him any trouble although I wasn't sure if he would do it left handed? I didn't know. He was more than capable of paddling me left handed, that I knew. But maybe he couldn't and didn't want to risk it with his right arm yet. Still, there were lots of other things he could have been doing to me.

Why was I sitting here thinking about it? I should have been glad or at the very least relieved, right? I'd had an amazing time Thursday night and would never look at ice cream the same after last night. But somehow I didn't feel glad, and not really relieved either. Instead I was worried about Greg who I knew needed the outlet. It was his choice though and I had to trust him to take care of himself. It wasn't my problem.

"It's not perfect, but I think it'll do. Want to help with the landscaping? I put in a few placeholder trees but you did a very good job with the other flowers."

He zoomed out and I got a good look

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He zoomed out and I got a good look. "Seriously Sir, that's amazing."

His hand slid over my shoulder and his thumb caressed the marks he'd left last night. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you. I feel beautiful."  I was looking at my cuffs, it was nearly impossible to tear my eyes away from them.

He guided me back towards him and I moved gladly, my head resting against his thigh as he handed me the extra controller.  We sat there maybe another hour before he decided we were done and turned it off.  "Time to prepare dinner.  I thought we'd have steaks and a bottle of wine to celebrate."

"That sounds amazing.  Anything I can do to help?"

"Come on over, I'll let you chop."

I hopped up to the stool and he handed me everything I would need.  I'd done this with him before so I knew how he wanted things.  "Sir?  Are we going to the club?"

"No.  I've been banned for a  month."

I didn't drop the knife but I did drop my lower jaw.  "What?"

"It's the rules, Pet.  It's fine.  So no, we will not be attending this week or the week you return."

I hadn't thought about the show when I'd given him my itinerary but now it didn't really matter.  I wondered if the ban would affect the timeslot; perhaps they'd just postpone it and give him a later date?   But it was Kevin's slot and if he wasn't banned... I just didn't know.  Greg would fill me in later.  I wondered if Ollie would go back at all; even if they could, I really couldn't imagine Ollie wanting to be there and certainly not to perform.   I was sure Phil had gotten banned again too but still, I wouldn't want to go.

"After last night it's hard to separate the thought of you moaning from that of preparing dinner."

Ah, so he was thinking about it too.  "Same, Sir.  It's been really nice to make some memories in my apartment.  Really amazing memories.  Damn Sir, I'm so spoiled."

"Is that a complaint?"

"I'm not THAT crazy Sir.  No, absolutely not.  Spoil me rotten anytime you like."  He poured me a glass of wine and I sipped at it; it was quite good.

"If you're concerned that I don't intend to make you come at least once more before you leave, don't be." 

I was glad I had just swallowed.  Even that thought was dirty and made me smile.  I wasn't sure if he meant for my extended trip or his house but it worked either way.  "I'm looking forward to it even more than I am the steak."  They were sizzling and smelled delicious but I would have gladly traded it for a good fuck.  Luckily I didn't have to.  The thought of being gone long enough to miss two weekends was driving me crazy but honestly I was lucky that it hadn't happened more often.  "I'm going to miss you."

He didn't answer but I knew he'd miss me too. He plated up the steaks and slid them onto the bar.  "Enjoy, Pet."

I'm not sure when the idea struck me but it was the answer, maybe.  A way to help him let go and maybe help him get through the next few weeks without me.  Plus there was the added benefit of me enjoying the hell out of it.  Well, all I could do was offer.  He'd turned me down before and he might tonight but I didn't think he'd ever ask it of me; I had to be the one to suggest it at least until it was in our contract.  "I'd love to sleep in your bed tonight Sir, if you'll have me."

He thought about it through several bites and I wasn't quite sure he would answer at all.  "I'll certainly have you, won't I?  But Pet, if you get into my bed you know what to expect.  Correct?"

"Yes Sir, I do.  It's up to you Sir, of course but I'm willing."

"Very well."

***Just want to throw out there that I did NOT make that insanely cool Capital building.  I borrowed the pic from online.  I bow down to the creators :)

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