Thirty Four

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*** And we're back. :)

I came as soon as he reached for me, his cock shoved deep down my throat. Afterwards I pretty much collapsed and closed my eyes as I fought to get enough air to stop my lungs from screaming. He'd come so hard and I'd practically drowned in it and it had been amazing to do that to him and for him but I was so damn tired. I could hear him moving things around and cleaning up but I didn't care.

He brought me a bottle of water and adjusted the table so I was sitting up a bit before covering me up with a blanket. "We should get you home, I can take better care of you there Pet."

"Okay" was all I could manage to croak.

"You're dropping hard but you're alright" he said, wiping a tear from my cheek that I hadn't even realized was there. I was too numb to notice it.

"Okay." He looked worried but I couldn't even be concerned with it. I had no thoughts about anything.

*** *** ***

As soon as we got home he practically dragged me into the shower and he got in with me, washing us both and drying me off. I was a sticky, filthy disaster but no help. He pulled on some pants but didn't bother dressing me, he just wrapped me in a blanket and half carried me to the couch. "Come here Pet."

He helped me and I ended up perched half on his lap and half on a pillow and I realized that he'd put the soft pillow there for my comfort. Still, I craved him and curled against his good shoulder.

"There you go beautiful, you're alright. Such a good boy."


"You were perfect." He was rubbing my back and the back of my neck and I had goosebumps. It felt amazing. "I hope you enjoy your piercings, Pet. They look very nice on you."

It's not that I had forgotten them, just that I couldn't really focus on any one thing. "Thank you." We just sat there, relaxed. It was so, so nice to sit with him without thinking about anything. He was warm and solid yet soft. "Dinner?"

"Yes Pet, soon. I'm sure you're hungry. I will get you some chocolates."

"No. Don't move, please. I'm good." I wanted to sit just like this until Wednesday at least.

"A few more minutes if you insist but then I need to get up. I ordered dinner earlier though so that's handled; it'll be here at 7:30."

"It was so much."

"Yes, it was a very involved scene. You'll have to write in your journal about it. Can you do that?"

"Yes Sir. Okay for you? I don't get a journal. Wish you would write for me."

"If I thought it would be helpful I would but I think it's best I answer any questions you have in person. I think a letter would just make you worry."

"Prolly. Happy Anniversary Sir."

"Happy Anniversary Pet. I'm very proud of you, for all you've done the past year. And I don't mean the limits or play, just the acceptance. You've come a long way."

He was so damn sweet sometimes. "Thank you. For helping me and... thank you Sir." He was still letting his fingers roam up and down my back and I almost fell asleep to the rhythm of his breathing but when he shifted I knew I had to ask now while he would still answer and not mind me asking. "Was it good for you? I mean, I... I don't know. Did you have fun?"

"You're joking, I assume?"

"No, no. Serious."

"I think that after heavy scenes is the only time I talk more than you do. Are you too tired to form words?"

"Yes. But my question?"

"Pet, I planned it. How could I not have enjoyed it?"

I needed more than that even though it made sense. "Favorite part?"

"Hmm, tough call there Pet. Watching two bags fill you up was certainly... no... fisting you? I do love having you at my mercy like that but I think the winner is the bat. You on all fours, desperate for more? I will never forget that."

"Have picture."

"Yes you do. You should send it to me. I wouldn't share it."

I knew he wouldn't on purpose but I also knew things happened. "I'll blur my face and then I will. Is that okay Sir?"

"Absolutely. I've already agreed, have I not? Besides, I have the memory and that includes the amazing sounds you made which the photo won't show. But still, I would enjoy having it." He scooched me over and made sure I was comfy before getting up and walking to the counter. He brought me back two chocolates and unwrapped one for me. "Dinner will be here in about fifteen minutes. I need... are you okay alone until then?"

"I think so, yeah."

He handed me my phone and the remote. "Text me if you need me. Promise?"

"Yes Sir. And after dinner we'll go to the club?"

"Yes Pet, if you feel up to it. I would like to. You're glowing and beautiful and sexy as hell and it's been awhile since I've been. It would be nice to get back to our routine if possible."

"Yeah, I'd like that Sir. Not sure how late I'll be able to stay up, I might fall asleep on your knee."

"A short night would be fine. I'll be back when the doorbell rings, you don't need to get up."

"Okay Sir." As soon as he left I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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