Forty Six

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He pulled a box out of the drawer and sat it on the desk, then walked around and stood in front of me.

"I'm sorry your previous set was lost in the accident. I know that they had grown to mean a good deal to you. I hope that these will mean even more, because they certainly do to me. I don't collar in the true sense Pet and I will never marry. That is simply the nature of the type of beast I am. This, that little box, is probably as close as I'll ever get. I've given collars to boys, it's not that, but it didn't mean anything to me or really to them. I'm not saying this right."

He pulled out the cards again and flipped through them. It was the sweetest thing I'd ever seen. He seemed to find the one he wanted and looked it over, then put them back into his pocket.

"Several weeks ago you told me why you choose me. Why you put up with me, why you... um, why you love me."

I was going to hyperventilate just from him saying the word 'love'. No 'I' or 'you' and not directed at me but still, god. He'd said it before, I'm sure he'd mentioned that he loved fucking me or something during play but this was talking about actually being in love with me. He was so insecure and sweet and I loved it.

"I'm not good at that sort of thing, of putting feelings into words. I managed though, I think. It doesn't mean I can say them or that you'll ever hear the lovely speech you gave me. I hope you can understand. Still, it doesn't mean that I don't feel those things, in my own way, and you're beginning to convince me that my way is enough. At least for you. And for that, Pet, I am grateful."

He picked the box up and held it out but grabbed it back at the last second. I wasn't sure what that meant. Just that he had more to say, right? And not that he was rethinking things. I hoped so, anyway.

"I put a lot of time and thought into these. The artist wanted to kill me by the time I was done because I kept changing things but you, Pet are ever-changing. I think I've settled on something that will last, words that will last. Chris? I know you need me to say more than I do. I know you need more reassurance than I sometimes give you. I hope that in the future, these will provide you with the care you need to help ease your mind. Would you please accept your cuffs?"

I didn't trust my voice so I just held out my hands and nodded like a fool. The box was beautifully wrapped and I was sort of frozen. I wanted to rip it open but I also wanted to savor the moment. He cared for me, he truly did. He was right, I did easily forget and tended to doubt when I wasn't with him or when he was silent or angry but these would help remind me. I made a promise to myself to always remember this conversation when I needed to. I wasn't just a sub, I was HIS boy and was a huge part of his world. I took the lid off slowly, disappointed when there was another small box inside sitting on top of the tissue wrapped cuffs. "Could you hold the box, Sir?"

He nodded and held his hand out so I put it in his palm and took the small box out. "That one can wait if you want to look at them first."

Thank GOD. I placed it gently on the desk next to the lid and lifted one out. It was weighty, slightly heavier than my old one and I peeled the tissue back carefully, as if I would damage it. Oh god, it was beautiful! I was panting but I knew that I needed to say something. They were dainty yet strong, simple yet beautiful. The locks alone made my heart seize up.

Greg put the box down and took the cuff from me. "May I?"

I just nodded, I was going to faint. He snapped the small lock together and reached for the other cuff while I lifted it towards my face to make sure I hadn't been imagining what it had said. "Loved. Chosen."

"Yes Pet, you are

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"Yes Pet, you are."

He handed me the small box and I opened it with trembling fingers. Everything was in slow motion, the only thing real was my heart beating so hard I thought he could probably hear it. "Keys." Two keys on long chains. Would he wear one?  Connecting us? Keys to my cuffs. Two keys, two cuffs. Four. Two words on each and if I counted the diamonds I had no doubt they'd be a multiple of four. Even the links on the, damn there were eight links and then two rings for the lock to slip into. So Greg.

"One is for me" he said, taking it and draping it over his head to settle around his neck. "The other is for you, obviously. I realize you can't wear these through security checkpoints or on stage. I hope you will wear them whenever we are together."

He had, god he was wearing... and then the waterworks started. My vision had been blurry from my eyes watering but now the tears flowed. I really wasn't sure how I'd held out this long. I stretched my hands out away from my body because I didn't want to get them wet or for anything to hurt them and I must have looked ridiculous.

"Are those happy tears?"

"Yes Sir."

"I never understood that. Better than sad or frustrated, I suppose. Do you like them?"

Did I LIKE them? "I love them. Thank you Sir. They're beyond perfect."

"Good. Come along, I think you need a chocolate."

I almost walked into the doorframe because I was staring at my wrists. I forced myself to pay attention though and scurried over to the couch and sat down so I could stare at them some more. I ran my fingertips over the engraved plates. Loved. Chosen.

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