Fifty Four

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I had been gone 16 days.  I missed him but it was also really nice that our relationship could handle distance. The way it was set up forced us both to keep our independence which was good for me; I tended to turn into a koala bear and literally attach myself to my boyfriends even though I always promised I wouldn't. That wasn't a possibility with Greg.  We talked and texted of course and even had some fun play sessions but I was really looking forward to getting back to Cali.

Unfortunately I was only home for a total of two days and they weren't on a weekend.  My house got "robbed" the first night and it was even better than the first time.  I hoped for a repeat the next night too but didn't know if I would see him again or not.  Luckily I was only going to be gone for a few days this time and would be home Saturday afternoon so we'd get at least most of next weekend to spend together.

The morning after Greg broke in, Ollie showed up unannounced which was NOT like him.  He had coffee and homemade muffins and I would have let him in without them but I'm not gonna lie, it helped make smiling about it easier.  "Hey."

"Hi Chris.  Can we uh, talk?"

"If I need to be conscious you need to wait ten minutes so I can drink some coffee."  He nodded quickly although I knew he didn't want to so I did my best to wake myself up.  I brushed my teeth, washed my face and sat down with him to drink some nectar.  "Okay, go ahead."

"He's dead."

I just sort of stared at him like a fish.  I kept expecting there to be more but he didn't say anything.  He left me hanging.  "WHO!?!"

"Um, the guy from the club."

"It's too fucking early for this Ollie.  Oh wait, the dude who grabbed you?"


Phil, Phil was dead.  "Uh, good?"

"NOT GOOD!" he hissed.  "What is WRONG with you?  Wait, what do you know?  Do you know anything?  Oh fuck Chris you have GOT TO TELL ME!"

He was about to launch himself to the moon.  "Simmer down girl, I don't know what you're talking about."

"The cops came to talk to Master."

Okay, I was awake now.  "What?  Why?"

"Because of the argument at the club, Chris!  I bet they talked to Sir Greg too.  I mean, they threatened him.  Everyone heard Master say 'I'll KILL him!' and then he winds up dead not long after!"

"You didn't tell me he was killed-dead, I thought he was just died-dead!"  And then the expression on his face and his panic started to make sense.  "Hold on, hell no.  You do NOT think he actually did it."

"Did you know all the police logs are online?  I googled him, found his address and checked the local police log.  Guess when they found him?"

"I have no idea.  Not enough coffee, Ollie."

"The Thursday we were in London.  He SENT me to London so he could KILL HIM!"

"Ollie that's crazy and you know it's crazy.  It's a coincidence."  Of course it was.  But I had to admit that I would have freaked too.  Regardless, someone had to be calm and that someone was apparently me.

He was up now, pacing around the apartment and waving his arms like a madman.  "He wanted to make sure I was out of the way!  And you too!  Maybe Sir Greg is in on it too!"

"Ollie, it's a coincidence.  That's all.  Kevin is NOT a murderer for fucks sake.  Come on!  And Greg? Really?"  I hated my next thought but if it helped it was worth it.  "Kevin would have killed him years ago if he was going to.  Right?"  I'd only put together bits and pieces but it seemed impossible for Kevin to be more mad at him now than he was when he'd first saved Ollie. 

"But my collar...  Maybe he killed him because I took off my collar!  It's my fault!" 

Okay, full freak-out mode had been activated.  I had no idea how to turn it off.  "You're being ridiculous.  Do I need to call Kevin?"

He froze, the color draining from his face.  "Don't tell him!  Please?!?!" 

Okay, that had been the wrong thing to say.  Now he was just panicking about more things.  "I won't, I won't.  But Ollie, sit down.  This is crazy talk and you know it.  I bet that fucker had a million enemies.  He was a bastard.  Or, like usually happens, it was random.  Someone broke into his house or maybe he was selling drugs or who the hell knows.  There are a million possibilities and every single one of them is more likely than Kevin doing it."

"But the trip" he whispered.

"He sent you because he knew you'd have a good time and he didn't want you sitting around the house worrying about Phil.  He wanted to snap you out of it and let you have fun.  That's ALL."  He cringed when I said his name and I felt bad.  "Sorry, slipped out."

"Will you ask Sir Greg?  I mean, he's not a real good liar and you know, filters and all that.  If he knows anything maybe he would just blurt it out or you could tell?  Maybe he'd give something away?"

"You're kidding."  He had to be kidding.  "I'm just supposed to say 'hey Sir, know anything about Kevin offing some guy'?"

He sighed.  "Not like that.  Just... if he says anything will you let me know?"

"Yes.  If he says anything about it I will share.  Promise.  But he won't, because Kevin didn't DO IT!"

"Right.  Right."   I think he was trying to convince himself.  "It's just that the cops were there last night and then I looked it up this morning and it just seemed like all the pieces fit too well."

"I get that Ollie.  I mean, it's a scary thought.   But he didn't.  There's no way."

He tossed his empty cup into the trash.  "You're right.  You have to be right.  Thanks for listening to me freak."

"Hey, that's what friends are for.  Thanks for the muffins.  Go take Hope for a walk and clear your head."  He seemed calmer and I was glad I could help at least a little.

After my shower I was still thinking about it though.  I'd said he hadn't, and of course he hadn't, but Ollie wasn't wrong that Greg might not be the best fibber.  Of course Kevin probably wouldn't have told him anything for that very reason, right?  If I was going to commit a crime I wouldn't tell Mr. Blunt.  Hell no. 

But something was niggling at my conscience and I didn't realize what it was until I went back to double check that I had locked my door after Ollie left.  I hadn't left it unlocked for Greg last night.  I hadn't known he was coming.  We'd talked about it, I'd known he was coming one of the days I was here but he'd never confirmed for last night.  So how had he gotten in?

Chris:  Sir?  How did you get into my apartment last night?

Sir Greg:  You have rather simple locks.  You really need to get a chain, Pet.  I can install it if you need me to.

Sir Greg:  We had discussed it, I hope it wasn't a problem?  I certainly have never been in your apartment without your knowledge.

Chris:  No Sir, it was fine.  Just curious.

It was a coincidence.  None of it meant anything.  I had laundry to do and errands to run before I left tomorrow.  I needed a haircut and to go to the drycleaners and to pay some bills.  I needed to do something to keep my mind busy.  Very busy.

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