Twenty Seven

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Jeremiah and Jess couldn't do Friday night, they were up in the mountains on a short vacation. After what Kevin had said during our chat Sunday evening I decided to take that as a hint and came to the conclusion that Greg and I needed a 'normal' weekend if we could possibly manage it. I asked him if it could be just us on date night and he was fine with that. I was honestly looking forward to spending some time with him because last weekend hadn't been quite enough to fill up my tank. I missed him.

First though, I had a shopping trip with Ollie planned. Apparently he and Kevin normally went together but he confided that Kevin was a 'fine, get that and we'll go' type of guy and he wanted to wander and explore and try some things. I was MORE than happy to pick him up on Wednesday and head out for a full day of shopping.

I managed to get up fairly early and was there at 9:30 so we'd have time to get coffee and then be at the mall right after things opened. I knocked and the door flew open, a smiling Ollie pulling me inside and wrapping me up in a hug before mildly freaking and pulling back. "Is it okay that I hug you?"

"Of course!" I got another good squeeze. "What's this for?" I asked although I had a feeling I knew.

"I don't know what you said or how you made it happen but DAMN I owe you lunch!" He was giddy and even I could see the difference in him.

"Had fun, did you?"

"Hells yes. I am still achy and tingly and bruised. Thank you, thank you, thank you. But seriously, what did you say?" He gave Hope one last scratch and pointed to her bed, then headed with me towards the door.

"I said way too much I'm sure. No idea what actually helped or if I did at all. But I'm happy for you."

"All I got was something about living a full life. I don't know but we are both the better for it, let me tell you." He hopped into the passenger seat. "I'm not famous, can't break the bank. Don't take me someplace where a t-shirt costs $200."

"Target it is" I teased. "Coffee, then shopping."

Once he'd dragged me into the first dressing room I couldn't help but ask about something I'd always wondered. "So does Kevin pick your clothes?"

"Shopping wise or day-to-day? Eh, I'll just answer. You're curious, I'm sure. When we're shopping he approves everything I buy but I get first chance to nix it. Usually if I like something I'll show it to him and he usually says fine but now and then he'll give me that 'I don't love it' look and I put it back. He used to lay out my clothes for me but now he just does on the weekends. I know what to wear if I'm staying home or volunteering, my closet is set up so I can choose easily."

"What if you hated what he put out?"

"I'd pick something else and ask if I could wear it instead. He does it for me Chris, not him, so it's flexible."

I wondered if Greg ever cared what I wore. He'd never really mentioned it and I sure as hell had never asked. "Should I ask Greg?"

The thing I loved about Ollie was that he always actually thought about his answers. "It might help him know what to wear on date night. And it might make it easier on you since you don't know the plan, right? I don't know about your other days, you're probably mostly naked. Um, these pants? They're a little..."

"Tight? Yes but your ass looks great. Is that a good thing?"

"I'm so skinny. Damn. Um, I don't know if they cross the line or not. He's fairly conservative."

"Yes, but they just hang well, it's not like you can see your panty line. But if you're not sure, don't. You won't feel comfy in them and they'll sit in the back of your closet." He slipped into the next pair and we both knew they were great. "Perfect."

"I LOVE these." He spun halfway to the left, then the right. "Oh yay. I hope they have black ones too. I need shorts. I never know what length or style; shorts are HARD. I hate cargo pockets because they always wrinkle up and look messy."

"You're a Cali boy and have the hair, you should totally do the surfer look. I mean if anyone needs a vintage t-shirt and some cargos with a pair of flip flops, it's you."

"Master would flip. I've never done that casual before. Not out of the house, anyway."

"It would be amazing on you but you have to wear what you like."

"Maybe I'll try? Just to see? Do you mind?"

"Mind? Can I go put an outfit together for you?"

"Of course!"

*** *** ***

Three hours later we were eating sushi and laughing way too much but it wasn't busy so I didn't care. He had bought the outfit I'd handed him because DAMN he looked good in it and loved it. I just had to hope Kevin did too. I had a new pair of shoes and a t-shirt tucked away and god it had been good to just hang out and laugh and relax. "We need to do this more often. Once a month? Promise?"

"I'd love to. No matter what happens, with... well you know. Even if you're not in the life."

I just laughed. Like that was gonna happen. It was nice of him though, to make sure I knew that. "Same to you." I wiggled my eyebrows and he made a silly face back at me.

"Oh" he said softly, looking around to make sure no one was too close by. "M told me about the show. I want you to have the timeslot if you want to do it. No pressure."

"Yeah, I can't decide. Scares me for some reason."

"I get that. We could do a double if it would help to take some of the attention off you."

"Oh, like.... ah." I hadn't even considered all four of us onstage at the same time. "That might actually be amazing." I thought back to watching Ollie get fucked in the side room, his eyes wild right across the table from me. "I'm not opposed to that idea at all."

"Mention it to S-G if you want. But I'm serious, if you want it please take it. I don't mind at all. I only threw that suggestion out to help, not steal it back."

"Ollie? I know. And thanks. I'll think about it."

"Good. Now, I should probably get home. Today is M's roughest workday and he likes a nice dinner and a clean house when he gets back."

"I really need to get my own Ollie" I teased, motioning for the check.

"You have to let me pay, I really do owe you."

"Absolutely NOT. Next time maybe."

"Deal. Thanks Chris. For everything."

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