Fifty One

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All joking aside, Greg's birthday was the week after I got back. I was going to be gone AGAIN the weekend after so we had to celebrate early and that meant I needed a gift and a plan. A real plan, not the mostly drunk BS I had texted him. Not that our play session afterwards hadn't been lots of fun so hey, it was all good in my book. But still, we needed to celebrate somehow.

I got home Friday afternoon after having travelled 12 hours. I was exhausted. I wanted to see Greg and do our date night but I just wasn't sure I'd make it and honestly I needed some sleep and time to plan tomorrow. He'd asked me to text him either way so I did, apologizing. He was fine with it and hadn't expected to see me. I asked if we could move our start time tomorrow up to 3:00 to make up for our lost time tonight and he was fine with it.

I have to admit that I considered running down to the adult store and getting something for him to use on me. I thought it might be something that the birthday Dom would like. Right up his, er my, alley as it were. I unpacked and then sat down to play my PS4 and that was when it hit me and I knew exactly what to get him. A quick trip to the mall and that was done. The rest I could handle tomorrow.

*** *** ***

I woke up sore and achy, travelling often made me that way so I took a super long shower and shaved everything that needed shaved. I lotioned everything and took some Advil and then messaged him. I really had no idea what the plan was.

Chris: Sir I had the idea to really pamper you today but I don't know how to make that happen. If it were me, I wouldn't want to be in control but you're you. Still, I want you to relax a little. What would you like for your birthday?

Sir Greg: I'm planning on flogging you pink. No, red. It was nice of you to give me a few extra hours.

Chris: I'm all yours Sir

And then he surprised me.

Sir Greg: It's been some time and it will be intense. Would you like to earn it?

Chris: But it's your birthday

Sir Greg: I wouldn't offer if I minded. I enjoy playing with you Pet.

Well, games were the theme of the day. It certainly worked.

Chris: That would be amazing but it feels wrong being a brat on your birthday

Sir Greg: Best to get it out of your system and I find it rather amusing. We can play all weekend as far as I'm concerned.

Was he giving me permission to brat it up? Oh, wow, I mean I of course wanted to but.. No. I needed to stop overthinking it. It was HIS birthday and he'd suggested it and that was it. Period. End of discussion.

Chris: I'd love to Sir. I'll be there at 3

Sir Greg: I'll leave a present on the bed for you. Lubed, plugged, naked, waiting.

Chris: Yes Sir

Or maybe not. I was going to be a brat, after all.

*** *** ***

I put the cake I'd brought and the wine into the fridge and left his present on the table. He'd left me a little vibrating plug on the Den bed. Perfect. I stripped down to just my cuffs, slipped into my robe and grabbed the plug, laying back on the bed. I tucked a pillow under my head and crossed my legs and tried to look as relaxed as possible. At 2:59 I stuck it in my mouth and waited.

I heard the door and then his sigh. "Waiting, Pet."

I popped the plug out of my mouth with a loud slurp. "Oh, sorry Sir. Didn't you say lubed, plugged, robed and laying?"

"No. And you're not plugged, regardless."

"Ooh. I misunderstood Sir, sorry. Wrong hole." I got it wet once more while his eyes widened and then spread my legs and popped it in before flipping onto my knees and giving him a show. "Is this right?"

He sat down and yanked me across his lap, then pulled out the plug before inserting it again. "Better. Yes, this looks fine. But Pet, you still messed up on two of them. I said naked and waiting."

"Oooh, my bad. Guess I need spankies."

"Yes, yes, I guess you do."

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