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I knew as soon as they arrived that Kevin was mad.  I could tell even without seeing the small, tight scowl that was probably on his face.  I could see his posture and the way he stood with his legs spread a little further than usual and his arms crossed.  I could tell because Ollie always knew things and he was standing behind and to Kevin's left as if we were at the club.  I knew it was REALLY bad when Ollie didn't say hi to me.  "You and Chris can set this up in the dining room" he said and Ollie grabbed the two bags and headed over.

"What's going on?" I whispered.

"I'm sorry.  He wanted to know why dinner plans had changed and I really didn't say anything, I mean Sir Greg just is the way he is but Master is mad.  I'm sorry."

"Not your fault."  Even if it had been a little bit, Ollie had no control over how Kevin was reacting or what would happen.

"He's just been so stressed out and... well you know.  He misses it too."

I laughed at the thought of Kevin hard-up and miserable with Ollie more than willing.  They were a mess.  And then I realized that if I kept my mouth shut, I could hear most of their conversation which was growing louder by the second.

"You could show a little gratitude, Gregory.  Do you really think this is the way he wanted to spend his day?" Kevin demanded.

"I didn't do anything."  He sounded almost sad, or defeated?  My breathing hitched in my chest.

"Greg, I get that you don't feel good.  I get that.  But that is my BOY, my LIFE and you upsetting him in any way, whether it's accidental or not, isn't allowed.  You need to watch yourself, do you understand me?"

"I've done nothing but watch myself for four and a half days straight.  Just get out."

"No Greg, we're not finished."

"Yes we are."  A fist banged down on the counter and I jumped.  "Take that boy home that you're so worried about me upsetting and work him over like he needs.  Stop pretending like I'm the problem here!  Do your damn job Kevin!  You don't want him stressed out?  A good session will do you both wonders.  I'm not the reason he's unhappy."

Ollie had practically shrunk below the table and I was wide eyed.  I didn't realize my mouth was hanging open until they turned towards me and then I wished I were invisible.

"Ollie!" Kevin yelled.  "Here, now."  He waited until Ollie was on his knees.  "Did you talk to Greg?"

"No Master, but I did talk to Chris a bit.  Earlier.  I didn't know Sir Greg could hear.  Or maybe Chris told him?  I'm sorry" he answered meekly.

"I didn't" I whispered, shaking my head.

"Why are you discussing our private life?" Kevin asked, his tone a bit less angry.

"I was... I'm sorry Master.  It just sort of came up and I was just... I was worried and--"

"And plotting to misbehave, Kevin." Greg interjected.   "He thought he'd just act up until you handled things.  I'm tired of your high and mighty bullshit when you can't keep your own house in order."

"Well I'm sorry we can't all be perfect robots like you Greg!" Kevin yelled, as angry as I'd ever heard him.  "Ollie, you're forgiven.  Go sit at the table."

"Robot?  As if I could be that fucking lucky!" Greg said.

"You just yell and rattle off demands and expect everyone to act like you're not being rude and worse!  I don't know how Chris puts up with you.  He has feelings and you refuse to even consider his or your own.  The ones you do have you don't tell anyone about, you just ignore them until you explode!  I've tried to help and Ollie has tried and you just push and push until you get what you want, which is to be left alone."

"Stop."  Greg's voice was almost eerie and I would have given anything right then to be able to read his facial expressions.

"Or what?  You'll actually apologize for once?  Or are you going to throw things?  You need to learn to handle that anger better, Greg."

"Me?  Handle my anger?  What the hell are you doing right now Kevin?  It's not my fault that I can't paint or scene or even really take a walk. I have NO OPTIONS available to me to diffuse this fucking bomb and you're the one who came into MY house yelling.  God you must really need fucked."

"How dare you!" Kevin spat.

"Why don't we have Ollie strap you to the cross and I'll take your advice to work out some of my anger that you seem to know so much about? Maybe you're not feeling like enough of a man to handle Ollie?  Forgotten how?  I can teach you.  I can put you in your place if you need it."

I couldn't breathe.  I couldn't.  Greg was furious and... JESUS.  I wanted to laugh and to cry and I looked towards Ollie but he had his head down and all I could make out was his mass of curls.  Instead I looked towards Greg who literally had Kevin backed against a wall.

"Clemens, you need to back the fuck up.  Right now" Kevin threatened.

"Or what?"

"Or you'll end up back in that hospital.  Two steps back, right now."

He was serious.  Kevin was serious as hell.  I didn't know if I should be walking but I was, I was moving my feet and closing the distance to Greg.  "Sir?  Please?  You're right, he's being an asshole but he's your friend.  You're both angry but maybe a little space would help?"  I felt like I was talking to a gunman or trying to back someone off a ledge.  The air was heavy and I could barely breathe.

"Kevin?  Sir?" I asked, trying to get one of them to back down.  "I think Ollie is really scared.  He needs help."  That did it, he slid to the side and went towards the table, completely ignoring Greg. 

I was probably in trouble.  "I'm sorry Sir, for interfering."  He didn't answer, just went down the hall and went into his office, closing the door.

"Chris?  Want us to take you home?" Kevin asked as they headed for the door.

It felt like a storm was coming and I wasn't sure I would be able to weather it on a good day.  Like this?  Sore and still a bit blind and not myself?  "I should go home, you're right."

"Good, Ollie can pack your things."

"But I can't leave him.   I'll stay.  And Kevin?  He has lots of feelings.  Just because he doesn't handle them the way the textbooks say he should doesn't mean they're wrong or don't exist.  He's amazing and I don't put up with him, I love him."

"He'll never be what you need, Chris.  I worry for you."

"Unnecessarily.  Who are you to decide that I'm not happy?  That he's not enough?"  I touched my lips, remembering how much he'd given.  "He tries so damn hard.  And you know what?  He's an amazing kisser."  Even half blind I heard Ollie's gasp and saw Kevin's eyes get wide. And then I shut the door.

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