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I squeaked out of the 8 inch space Ollie provided for me and wasn't surprised to see Kevin sitting in the hallway, his knees pulled up to his chin.  "Hey, can we talk?"

"Yeah, yeah."  He realized I wanted to do it somewhere else and got up, taking me into their spare room.  "How is he?  What's wrong?"

"He's... he's a little better I think.  Um, I have to tell you something though and I really, really don't want to because, well, because I really am sorry.  But you have to promise not to yell.  I don't even know if you're a yeller but I've heard you and it's loud and he will FREAK."  Did I even make any sense?  "You'll have every right to yell, and I know you'll be mad and really hurt and--"

"God Chris, just tell me.  Is he okay?"

"Yeah, yeah.  Um, he pulled some of his hair."  There, start with the little things.

He just sighed.  "I'm not surprised.  He does it when he's anxious and he's certainly having a rough day.  Fine.  What else?"

"Was he okay last night?  I mean, I'm not trying to judge and it's not my business but I'm trying to put the big puzzle together.  What happened when you left?" 

"He was in shock.  Nothing happened though, really.  I got him home and put him in bed.  I stayed with him, of course but he didn't really say anything except for 'yes' and 'no'.  He fell asleep eventually and then I found him in the bathroom when I woke up this morning.  I tried to talk to him and I thought about going in there but he finally asked for you and I thought that was the best answer.  So nothing Chris, nothing really happened.  What did I miss last night?  How bad was it?"

I should have known that question would come back to bite me in the ass.  "Pretty bad.  I guess the big part you missed was that he, uh, the dude, had Ollie by the collar.  He had a couple fingers inside and was yanking, like he wanted to rip it off of him.  He said a lot of shit too."

"Like what?"

Well now he was mad and that was NOT the best way to start a conversation about his sub hacking off his handmade leather wedding collar.  It had seemed like a good lead, like it would explain things but, shit.  "Um, it's sort of blurry honestly but something about being his and just, he was just nasty."

"I see."

Time to rip this band aid off.  The sooner I said it, the sooner he would get over it.  "So when I went in there earlier, Ollie wanted me to cut his hair because uh, dude had touched it."

"His name is Phil although 'asshole' works fine too.  But we can go with 'dude'."

"I didn't know, Ollie freaked when I said it."

"Ah, yeah.  He would.  Sorry, dude it is.  Yeah I saw him yanking on Ollie's hair.  He wanted you to cut it though?  That surprises me, it's... well long story."

"Because Phil cut it?  Yeah, that's how I talked him into keeping it.  But I was too late to calm him down enough for other things.  I'm so sorry." Kevin's eyes got so big that for a second I thought he might explode.  "He's okay though, and that's what matters right?  He loves you so much Kevin, it's NOT about you I swear."

"I don't understand.  What did he do?"

I didn't want to say the words but the longer we were out here talking, the longer Ollie was in there panicking.  "He took off his collar.  Because Phil touched it.  It was just reminding him of what happened and his neck is so red, it must have been hurting and irritating him and he just sort of went crazy."

"He... oh.  How?"

"He uh, cut it."  That was the nicest way to describe the carnage.

He was silent then, completely silent and from our conversation the other day when he'd mentioned Ollie's first collar I knew how upset he was.

"He knew you'd be sad and he feels horrible, Sir Kevin.  He's so sorry."

"It's just a collar, a thing.  It can be replaced."  I got the impression that he was saying the words because he knew they were right or maybe he was trying to convince himself?  He certainly didn't mean it.  Not yet anyway.

I wasn't about to tell him that I didn't know if Ollie would want another because honestly, he'd probably change his mind once he calmed down.  "He feels really guilty about everything and is blaming himself but I think that at least half of his worry is about the collar and if you tell him it's okay he might be able to come out and face things."

"Fine.  I just need a minute.  Wait for me in the hall please."

He probably needed a thousand minutes but I didn't think he'd make Ollie wait that long.  Still, I was so glad that Ollie had Kevin and almost laughed at the thought of Greg and I trying to make sense of this.  He came out a few minutes later and walked past me, tapping on the bathroom door.

"Ollie?  Baby, I need you to come out now."

There was no immediate reply. It took him at least thirty seconds to answer.  "I'm so sorry Master."

"I know you are and you are forgiven.  Open the door."

"I can't Master, I'm sorry.  I just, I... Did Chris tell you?"

"Yes."  Nothing.  There was no response at all.  "Ollie?  You need to trust me right now, even if you don't trust yourself.  Let me take care of this and of you.   Have I ever given you reason to doubt me?"

The door creaked open slowly and Ollie stepped out and sank down into forgiveness.  "No Master, I trust you.  I'm so sorry."

Kevin turned to me and smiled.  "Thank you Chris, you can go."

I practically raced down the stairs.  I felt like I'd run a marathon and all I wanted was my bed and my kitten.  Ollie would be okay and if he needed me I knew Kevin would reach out.  What a month it had been.  How had Ollie and I both gone from being cuffed or collared to being insecure and unmarked?  We both had amazing Doms who, in his case, loved him and Greg certainly cared for me yet we were both floating around.  Why did we do this to ourselves?

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