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Not that there was any doubt, but Ollie sort of became everyone's bestie and I had to practically yell just to get some attention.  Seriously, Kristie and Esther didn't give me the time of day except to ask "Where's Lollie?"  Yes, they'd even come up with a ridiculously cute nickname for him.

I'm joking, I didn't mind at ALL.  He was having a blast and from the second he'd gotten onto the plane and saw the crazy reclining personal seats, he'd been nothing but sweet and helpful and polite.  I'd been worried at first that he might feel a bit out of place and be missing Kevin but the ladies doting on him seemed to help.  We decided that he'd fly back on Friday so he'd be home for the weekend and that knowledge was all he needed to fully throw himself into the London experience.

I was sitting in my hotel room when I heard a knock.  Kristie and Ollie practically fell into our room as he opened the door, surrounded by bags.  "He's even a better shopping partner than you are" she said.

"Sorry, had shit to do.  Have fun Ollie?"

"Tons.  I love it here, maybe I'll ask Master if we can move."

Kristie's nose crinkled up and I knew she didn't like the term.  I couldn't blame her, I hadn't liked it either.  "Down girl" I joked.

"Oh god do you have to do that too?  Chris?  Do you eat out of a bowl on the floor?"

"Only once, right?" Ollie teased.

Oh shit, that was going to be a conversation.  "I got punished.  It was nothing.  Moving on K, moving on."

"I just don't get you two.  At all. I mean Lollie has a ring like a normal person but calls his husband Master and you're wearing cuffs and letting him punish you?  I mean I don't get it.  You're both amazing guys."

"Thank you" we said in unison and cracked up.  Honestly I'd heard everything she was saying before, hell I'd thought most of it before.  Ollie had heard much worse I'm sure.

"But his 'Dom'" she said, using air quotes, "fucked your 'Dom' so he's like the dommiest?"

That surprised Ollie and he looked at me.  "Chris?"  He shook his head and I could read his mind.  It went something along the lines of 'you should not have told her and if Sir ever finds out he will KILL you.'

"Is he still?  I mean, aren't you two monogamous?  You're married, right?  Or no?" she asked Ollie.

"They haven't in a very long time and he hasn't, as you so kindly put it, fucked him since we've been together.  They haven't played at all since we've been married."  That shocked me.  They hadn't?  "But I only consider it play if someone orgasms.  I think Master caned him the last time they were together and that was right around the time Sir met Chris.  But no Kristie, he's not more dominant and he and Sir Greg have a very unique relationship."

I don't know how he'd managed to say all of that as if he were ordering at McDonalds.  Kristie was so pale I thought she might be sick.  "I just don't understand why you do it."

"Because we're happy Kristie, isn't that why people get into relationships?  Good ones, anyway?  It's fun."

"Getting hurt can't be fun, it just can't."

"Look Kristie."  He swiveled towards her and put on his serious face.  "Any straight man will say that getting fucked by a man just can't be fun.  You might think that skydiving just can't be fun.  But regardless of whether or not you, personally, would enjoy it, there are other people who do.  You don't have to enjoy it to accept that other people do.  Chris is happy, I'm happy, you don't have to mother hen us even though it is sweet.  Okay?"  And then he laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"I was just thinking of the Dommiest Dom in the world over at your place taking care of Wyatt."

I imagined Kevin cleaning the litter box and laughed too.  "Well he owed me!"

We broke out the wine then and celebrated our last night together in style.  After Kristie left and Ollie went to sleep I messaged Greg because I missed him and I was tipsy and I wanted to.  It was earlier there, thank god.

Chris:  Hello.  Miss you Sir.

Sir Greg:  Hello Pet.  How are you?

Chris:  Good.  Was thinking about your birthday.  I'm gonna guess you don't want a party but do you want to see me?  I'll be home.

Sir Greg:  No party.  Seeing you would be fine.

Chris:  I could use a good flogging, it's been awhile.

Sir Greg:  Yes it has.

Chris:  I could take care of you in other ways

Sir Greg:  I'm sure you could

Chris:  A massage?

Sir Greg:  That sounds fine

Chris:  Can I tell you a fantasy?  A thought?

Sir Greg:  Always

Chris: I want to tie you down, tease you, play with you, make you feel good and then ride you. 

Sir Greg:  No

Chris:  Wow and I didn't even mention the vibrating balls in your ass

Sir Greg:  Don't text me again until you have all 6 of your set up your sweet ass, do you understand?

Chris:  Yes Sir

I was in trouble.  Oh well, I was in London.  He'd forget about it by the time I got home.  Besides, it was just an idea, it's not like I was going to actually do any of it.  Except for the balls; those I would do tomorrow if I got the chance.  I'd loved having Ollie here but Greg and I were more than due a session.

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