7. Him

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Hey Guys, when you read the first part of this chapter- listen to the video above. It gives the feel, you know? So yeah.


Seeing Jake- that changed everything. Literally. That gravity shift still hasn't gone away- it's like something pulling me toward him, something that I can't really explain. Those butterflies I used to get when I saw him- yeah now they're worse and I always have them. I can't stop thinking about him- it's strange. I don't really know how to explain it, but it just feels like home when I'm around him now. Like I'm supposed to be with him. Like without him- I'd be nothing. Seeing Jake- that made everything feel right. Seeing Jake- it made me feel like everything was going to be okay. Like as long as I have him, nothing bad will ever happen. With him- it feels like something I haven't felt in a very long time- it feels like home.

The world could end tomorrow, but as long as I was beside him, it would right.

When I think of him- I get butterflies.

When I see him- they get worse.

When I'm beside him- it feels like home.

When I stay up at night because I can't wait to see him tomorrow- I feel like fireworks are going off.

When I lay in bed thinking about him- I can't help but smile.

When I catch myself daydreaming about him- I feel like it was meant to be.

Is this what it's supposed to feel like?

Is this what falling in love feels like?


I sit up slowly and my head whirls at first. I place my hand on my head and slightly lean forward.

"Kiki? How are you feeling sweetheart?" Dad asks walking in- then I notice I'm not at home. I look around a little.

"Where the hell am I?" I ask.

"Don't freak out, but you're in the hospital." He replies. My face contorts with confusion.

"What happened?" I slowly pull my hand away from my head.

"You passed out after I told you about your mother." He sighs. I furrow my eyebrows and go to ask why before he takes my hand in both of his.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant