18. Nephilium

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I stare at the ceiling and focus on the light. Jake won't be here tonight, so I'll probably have a parasomnia outburst.

Oh please, you'll be fine. Just don't sleep. Oh, I'm Sierra, your shadow self. A voice says in my head.

"So I'm basically crazy now, talking to the voice in my head?" I scoff.

You can speak to me through your mind, so people don't think you're crazy. Sierra states.

"How about you just keep your mouth shut so I ain't gotta deal with ya?" I suggest.

Oh, honey, that's not how this works.


"Kiara, the key to control is your heart rate." Peter says circling me.

"I've never in my existence had a steady rate, Peter." I state watching him.

"Except when you lie, you're a trickster, you're natural cumpultion to lie is strong. You've taught yourself how to lie without getting caught. You control your heart rate." He says with a slight smirk. "I'm going to try something, and I want you to lie as much as you can- and when you can't bring yourself to lie we'll start something new."

"Bring it." We both stand still.

"If I were to kill your brother what would you do?" He asks.

"Cry." He nods.

"And if I killed your father?"

"It wouldn't affect me at all."

"What if I were to hurt Jacob?"

I swallow a lump in my throat. "I wouldn't do anything." I force the words out.

"Do you love him?" He raises an eyebrow. I shake my head. "Say it then."

"I-I-I d-don't-t, I-I-I-I d-d-don't-t-t, I-I-I d-don't l-lo-, I-I d-d-"

"That's enough. You obviously can't bring yourself to lie about that, it took a lot just to say you wouldn't do anything if I hurt him. You can't lie if it comes to him, and that's not exactly a bad thing, but it's not a good thing either." He watches me carefully. "I'm going to ask you one last question, and I need you to answer honestly. Can you do that?" I nod and take a deep breath. "Who killed your mother?"

"I-I-I can't." I shake my head.

"Kiara, I need to know."

"I-I-I-I c-can't." I shake my head again.

"Who killed her?"

"I don- I-I- I ca- I-I-I c-c-can't-t." I press my palms against my ears and shake my head more.

"Kiara, who killed your mother?" I scream and he covers his ears and steps back. I fall to my knees and press my palms against the ground. My chest heaves and my lip quivers.


I wrap the blanket around my shoulders and pull my knees to my chest. I slightly shiver and pull the blanket tighter. The main door opens and Jake steps through he glances at me then to Jared.

"What the hell happened!?!" Jake snaps.

"They were working with control and it caused a relapse, but she'll be fine." Jared states calmly.

"Fine!?! Look at her!" Jake yells.

"Jacob, she's going to be alright." Jared says,

"Really!?!" He clenches his fists.

"J-J-Jake-ke." I manage to get out. He glances at me and takes a deep breath before walking over and sitting beside me. He goes to hold my hand, but as soon as he touches me he jerks his hand.

"You're freezing." He states. He wraps his arms around me and holds me at his chest. He rubs my back and kisses my head. "Kiki, what the hell is happening to you?" He asks quietly.

"I don't- I don't know." I reply.

"How about you come and stay with me for a while." He whispers. I nod and pull the blanket a little tighter. "It'll just be you and me for tonight, Dad's going to be with Seth and Leah, help out as much as he can."


I bury my face in his chest and slightly smile. He wraps his arms around me and rubs my back. I slightly yawn and close my eyes.

"Is somebody sleepy?" He teases.

"No." I grumble. He slightly chuckles. "You're an ass."

"Oh shut up, you love me." He remarks. I smack his chest and he slightly groans. "Bitch."

"Oh shut up, you love me." I retort.

"Yeah, I do." He nods. I grin and lean up connecting out lips.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora