34. Remember

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I take a deep breath before kissing his forehead and leaving. I walk through the woods, for the last time. I slowly open the door to John's and walk inside. Embry narrows his eyes at me, giving me a look of hatred.

"As much as we may despise each other, we're still family." I state. "I'm not going to be here long. Eichen will be here soon. I just figured I'd tell you all goodbye as well."

"Well, Sam said meet in him at seven, you have two hours." Embry sneers.

"Embry, be nice to your sister. This might be the last time you see her." John says walking in from the kitchen. Embry's face hardens with fear, his eyes soften, he's afraid to let me go. "Kiki sit, make yourself comfortable." I sit on the couch and Embry sits beside me.

"So they're actually taking you? Like forever?" Embry asks.

"Not forever, but yes they're taking me from a while. Could be months, could be years, centuries, even millenniums." I reply.

"Tell him about your deal with Mr.Hale." John says.

"I made a deal with Peter, I'll go peacefully and give him some of my power as long as I get to return. There was no time negociatible, but I do get to return eventually."

"What if he's playing you?"

"Then I'll take all my power back, kill him, and leave." I shrug. "It's a simple as that."


I let them put the cuffs on my wrist and lead me toward the van. They open the back door and help me up into it. They close the door and they sit across from me in the uncomfortable bench seats. We start to drive away and I stare longingly out the window.


This van is basically just a prison transport van painted with a different logo. It's all the same. Last time, they had taken me by an ambulance, in which I was strapped down to a stretcher. Now I sit cuffed in a van meant for prisoners and criminals, gazing out a window into the world that I will not see for any length of time. Now I will begin to find ways to remember.

Remember who I am. Remember why I'm doing this. Remember what I am. Remember who I left. Remember who I'm going back to. Remember what I can do. Remember what I've done. Remember the words I never said. Remember the words I had said. Remember everything I am, or what I was. Remember what I am capable of. Remember who I spent my last days with. Remember how I spent my last days with them. Remember why I chose them. Remember what I am getting myself into. Remember my deal with none other than Satan himself. Remember that I can destroy everything. Remember that I can survive. Remember that this isn't the end. Remember that I'll see the world again someday. Remember this isn't goodbye forever.

"If I am going to be handcuffed this entire ride on hard ass seats, the least you could do is not stare at me. It's just flat out rude." I state keeping my gaze focused on the window.

"We have orders, to make sure you don't escape." One of the men says.

"Well, I assure you, if I was going to escape, which I'm not, I would had done it already." I say. "Besides, you wouldn't be able to stop me anyways."

"You're a mouthy one, aren't you." Another scoffs.

"If you want to see mouthy, I can show you mouthy." I snap looking a them with glowing eyes. "I suggest you both keep your mouths shut and stare at the walls, or this can be a very bumpy ride." One of them pulls out a taser, meant specifically for supernatural creatures, and turns it on. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Shut it!" He points it toward me.

"Have it your way." I sigh before breaking free of the cuffs and twisting the taser back, hitting both of the orderlies. They fall onto the ground unconscious and I smirk in satisfaction. "Now I can think peacefully." I sit back down on the bench and fold my legs before closing my eyes and meditating.


So I think this is where I'm going to stop this chapter. It's a nice little cliffhanger on her way to Eichen. That's all I really have to say besides don't expect any updates next week from any of my books. I'm going to Washington D.C. for the week and won't be back until Easter, probably won't update until that Wednesday if a chapter is ready.

You Know Who I Am

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now