20. Truth

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She was in my arms in the bed of her truck that I drug into the middle of the woods a few days after the wreck when there was no fixing it. John might not be too pleased with me running off with his daughter, but she's my imprint. I had placed an air mattress, pillows, and a few blankets in the bed before going home and finding out John's plans. I'll keep her with me so that she's safe. She'll be killed if they take her back to Eichen. She should just stay with me forever.

"Jake, what if they come for us?" Kiki asks playing with a strand of hair dangling by her face.

"Don't worry about it, I'll protect you." I reply rubbing her back. She lightly smiles and closes her eyes before nuzzling closer.

"I know." She murmurs dozing off.



I slightly yawn and stretch. I sit up and slightly look around. From the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of a rusty brown wolf. I look and his direction and smile. He shifts back and jogs to side of my truck and we kiss.

"Where were you?" I ask.

"Checking to see if we were still alone." He replies.

"If we are, we won't be for long. They won't stop for anything until I'm back in Eichen." I sigh.

"I won't them even come near you." He states.

"Jake, you'll get hurt. I don't like it when you get hurt." I say shaking my head.

"I will do anything I can to keep you safe, you know that." He pushes hair behind my ear.

"Jacob. They could kill you." I state.

"I'm not going to let them take you." He shakes his slightly. "Not again."

"You could die Jacob!" I exclaim.

"And so could you." He retorts. I hear sirens in the distance and we both fall completely silent. They get closer and Jake and I take off running, leaving everything behind. I hurtle a tree, whereas he slides under it. The sirens keep getting louder, although we're running away from the noise.

You're screwed, face it. Sierra's voice rings in my head. I push it away and continue running. They'll catch you eventually. She jibes. I jump up into a tree and climb to the top before jumping from tree to tree. This isn't much better. They can corner faster now. I drop from the tree and run along side the wolf. I speed up slightly and let my eyes glow. Now they'll know what you are.

Shut up. I snap. I jump the ravine taking me onto the Cullen's land. I look back at Jake and nod. He runs toward his house before I turn and go toward a house that shouldn't be familiar for me, yet it feels more like home than mine. I jump back into the trees and run through them. I flip out of the trees when I reach the house. Jasper speeds out and wraps his arms around me.

"Hey Jas." I smile returning the favor.

"How'd you manage to get away?" He asks. Alice appears with a slightly scared look on her face.

"You need to get as far away from here as you can, Kiara. They're going to kill you." Alice states.

"I know. They tried last time, I only have a month." I shake my head.

"Not anymore. Your dad told them about you running. They're looking for you, they keep you alive long enough to get what they need to know out of you, but then they will kill you."

She's not wrong. If you die, I die too.

"I know."

You have to fight. This is all because of Peter.

"Does he know?" Jasper asks.

"Yeah, he knows. He's buying me time." I reply.

You know that it won't do much.

But it could, Sierra.

"He's trying to throw them off. Tell them he doesn't know where I am. That he hasn't seen me for a few days. It'll at least keep them busy long enough for me to think of a plan." I state.

"It's not doing much, but they are giving up a little." Alice says.

"It's still enough."

"What are you going to do?" Jasper sighs.

"I'm gonna fight." I say determined.

It's your best chance.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now