30. Seven Days to Say Goodbye

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I was too late. I found were she was, thing is it was five minutes after noon, and she was already gone. She carved into a rock the words, you missed me, I couldn't wait, and that's all the more of a goodbye I got. She's gone now.



My feet pound against the ground as I speed toward Canada. He was just too late. So now, I go on without getting to say I love you one last time before I walk right into my own demise. Peter is waiting for me in Canada, and then we'll negotiate whether or not I'll be returning from Eichen. Whether or not I'll be returning from Eichen peacefully is a different story. I stop when I get to the edge of Washington and turn around. I take a deep breath before turning around and crossing the border. I run toward where I was told to meet Peter. This is possibly going to be my last day of freedom for a long time, but it'll make it worth the wait. I approach the building and open the door. I walk to the elevator and hit the up button, there are only two floors, Peter is in the loft upstairs. The elevator slowly moves up and the door opens. Two men grab each of my arms and drag me toward a big steel door. One opens it and Peter stands behind a table in front of a big window.

"Kincaid, Vincent, let her go. It was her decision to meet me here anyways." Peter speaks. The two let go and leave the room. I walk toward Peter and he steps out from behind the table. "Young Kiara." He takes my hand and kisses it before pulling out a chair for me to sit it. He sits across from me and smiles. "Though I am not very pleased with you ripping my throat out, I am willing to negotiate."

"If I surrender, I want out of Eichen alive." I state.

"Well, I'm not sure I can do that, but that wasn't a request, I'm sure, so I'll make you a deal." He smirks.

"What's your offer?" I ask.

"I will allow you to leave Eichen peacefully, and alive, if you allow them to take you peacefully." He replies.

"There's more than that, what's the catch?" I cross my arms.

"But, you must give me some of your power." He finishes. "I will also give you seven days to say your goodbyes before Eichen comes to retrieve you."

"How long will I be in Eichen?" I question.

"We'll see about that one. But do we have a deal?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yes." He shakes my hand before leading me to the elevator.

"I will see you again in a week." He kisses my hand again before pressing the button and walking back to the loft. I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath.


I run through the woods and jump trees, relying on scents to guide me. I feel gravity pull on me and begin to follow it, only moving slower now. This is the hard part, explaining what I've done, it seems like treason. Gravity pulls harder and I sigh internally before stepping into view.

"I see the trip to Canada didn't last long." Jasper says standing beside me.

"There wasn't much to be done." I state bluntly.

"Do you honestly think he'll hold up his end of the deal?" Edward asks. Jake looks over at me, he's confused.

"If there's one thing that I've learned about Peter it's that he'll do anything for power. If he kills me he won't get any power. If he doesn't hold up his end of the deal, I won't give it to him." I reply. "Besides he never said how much power I had to give him, I could give him too much and kill him because his body wasn't built for it, or I could give him not enough to make a difference in anything. I prefer to go with the first one though, so he's dead and well I'm out of Eichen. He won't kill me as long as I give power, and if he tries anything, then I won't give him power."

"How long did he give you?" Esme asks.

"Seven days, and I'm not allowed to put up a fight or he'll have me killed on spot." I state.

"How do you know this isn't all just a hoax and he's going to kill you anyways?" Alice asks.

"One- I read his mind. Two- he'll do anything for power. And if I die what power he gained will be lost." I reply. "That and I can take power just as easy as I can give it. If he tries anything, I'll take all of his power."

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