15. Jasper

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I sit down across from the desk and cross my legs. She folds her hands on her desk and smiles at me.

"I haven't seen you in a while, Kiara, how have you been?" Morrell asks.

"Good, until I was forced to come here." I reply flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"What happened to make Sam concerned that he felt you needed to come back?" She slightly leans forward.

"My brother's a dick, that's what happened." I scoff.

"No night terrors? No feeling of paranoia? None of that?" She grabs a stack of papers.

"I'm fine, just a little shook up." I state.

"How?" She let's the papers go and and crosses her arms.

"Do you know what it's like when you're drowning?" I ask.

"Is that how you've been feeling? Like you're drowning?" She questions.

"Well, once you're submerged the voluntary apnea starts, the will for you to hold your breath. After 87 seconds, you give out and take in the water, whether you want to or not. Before those 87 seconds are up, your head feels like it's about to explode and your lungs feel like they're on fire. Once you take that final breath, it's relief, but only for a second. After you take that breath, two things can happen; 1 out of 10 the water traps the larynx and you die instantly, or 9 out of 10 the water travels to your lungs and fills them then well you die." I explain. "And yeah, sometimes it does feel like I'm drowning."

"Then think of something Winston Churchill once said; “If you're going through hell, keep going.”" She states.

"Why keep going if you could stop all together?" I ask.

"Because sometimes it's better to keep going." She replies. "What was triggering the parasomnia?"

"Embry kept telling me that I'm the reason that my mother killed herself." I sigh.

"Do you want to talk about what happened in the night terrors?" She asks.

"I never woke up where I fell asleep, the first night I woke up at Dad's in my old bedroom. I went downstairs to the kitchen and she was there. She gave me a hug, but then she stabbed me in the back literally. She told me that it was my fault that she died, so she was killing me as revenge. I woke up after I was already dead. The second night I woke up at the beach, she was there too, but we were in the water, and she held me under while she was screaming g how it was my fault. I had to scream myself awake, that's what happened third night, I had to scream myself awake, the dream was different though. I woke up at my old school, she still said it was my fault, she took the mop part of off a wooden mop and drove the stick through my throat. I didn't die, I woke up as soon as the stick went through my throat." I reply.

"Sam said it started four days ago, nothing happened last night?" She furrows her brows.

"Nothing happened, the dreams stopped." I state.

"What did you change?" She asks.

"Nothing, Jake just stayed with me." I reply.

"Jake, the boy that always came to visit you?" She raises an eyebrow.

"No, Jake from State Farm." I deadpan. She smiles and nods.

"Well, I'm going to take the use of sarcasm as a good bill of health, you're free to go." She dismisses me. I get up and walk out. I walk down the hall and someone grabs my arm and pulls me back. I spin around and swing, hitting them in the face.

"Jasper? What the hell?" I whisper.

"I just wanted to say hi, see how you were doing." He groans.

"Look, I can't stay much longer, if they smell vampire on me I'm dead." I state.

"Well, I have to leave very soon and get back to Italy, I came back with Alice, she's saw Bella jump off the cliff, but I'm not going back with them. I'm going on my own. Take care of yourself, Kiki."

"I will, you too Jas, I'll see you soon?" I smile.

"Yeah." He nods before we hug and he runs off. I walk out the main doors and jog down the stairs to Sam. The gate opens and we walk through before getting in the car.


I plop down in bed and sigh. Jake steps through my door and crosses his arms. He takes a deep breath then furrows his eyebrows.

"Why do I smell bloodsucker?" He growls. I furrow my eyebrows and sit up.

"I don't know." I shrug. He grumbles and sits down beside me. I run my hand through his hair and he rests his head on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Worn out." He mumbles. "How'd it go at the nut house?" I scoff, I hate the term nut house.

"You know I hate that term, and it went better than I thought." I state.

"Really?" He says like he doesn't believe me.

"Yes, really." I roll my eyes.

"That's a first." He mumbles.

"Are you tired?" I ask playing with his hair.

"A little." He replies. I smile slightly.

"How tired is a little tired?" I quirk.

"Really tired." He mutters tiredly.

"Then it's bed time." I state. He smiles sleepily and pulls me down against the bed. I smile as he rests his head slightly on my shoulder and chest. I continue to play with his hair until we both fall asleep.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now