47. Paul

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I slowly step onto the hardwood floor of my bedroom. I stand and walk to my window to look outside. My eyes change color and I write in the condensation on mirror.

'I am fine, I went for a walk.'

I turn and jump out the window, landing on all fours. I flick my head up before running. I jump when I get to the gorge and soar across. I land and keep running. My body slowly begins to heat up and I push myself to run faster. I jump up into the trees and run from limb to limb, like I had almost a year ago. I jump down and throw two vampires off a rock. I jump down from the rock and growl.

"Kiara?" I turn my head a look at a very confused coven of Cullens. I turn my head toward the wolves and my eyes meet those of a rusty colored wolf.

Gravity tugs on my heart then stops I frown and then turn and run away.

I stop once I'm back over the gorge and fall to my knees before crying.

"Why!?! Why do you hate me so much!?! Why won't you let me be happy!?!" I sob pounding on the ground. "What did I do to deserve this!?!" I flick my head back and howl in dispair, the same way you would howl when someone dies. I cry harder and curl up on the forest floor. "Why!?!"



"How is this possible?"

"Is that really you?"


"You're alive?"

"What about Jake?"

I can hear them, but I can't respond. I hate this. I fucking hate this.


"Paul, what are you doing here?" Embry asks.

"Look, I heard her howl. Just please let me see her." Paul replies.

"I don't know who you're talking about." Embry shrugs.

"You know who I'm talking about!" Paul raises his voice.

"Kiki died, okay. She's dead Paul." Embry growls.

"I heard her fucking howl! She's alive! Let me fucking see her Call!" Paul booms. I walk to the door with my arms wrapped around my middle.

"Embry, it's fine." I whisper. He kisses my temple gently.

"If he gives you any trouble you know what to do." He whispers then walks off.

"How long have you been back?" Paul asks.

"About a day." I reply. "We were going to tell everyone tomorrow, but I kinda screwed that up."

"Why'd you howl?" He steps closer to me.

"I'd rather not talk about that." I mutter swaying on my feet.

"Kiki, I'm worried about you." His eyes meet mine slowly. "I knew that it wouldn't turn out well if you went back. You died, you were dead."

"I'm fine." I state.

"No, no you're not. You don't just come back from the dead and be fine. Kiki I care about you. You aren't fine. I want to help you." He steps even closer. I shake my head.

"I don't need help, Paul." I say. He closes the distance between us and presses his lips against mine. I push him away aggressively and wipe my mouth on the back of my arm.

"Stay the hell away from her!"

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now