27. R.I.P. 2 My Youth

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Come on Kiara, just give me control. It'll be easy.

You'll kill me.

No I won't. I promise. I'm going to help you get away.

No. I'm not giving you control.

I can help you though.

Help from my head then.

But I need control over our body.

Alright, first off it's my body not our body. Second, you're just trying to manipulate me into letting you destroy everything. That's what shadows do when they get out.

Ouch, that kinda hurt. Look, just give me a little control.


I pull my hoodie over my head then lace up my boots. I simply braid my hair back and out if my way before getting up and walking to the door. My hand hovers over the knob when the news goes off.

"Body found just outside of the Washington Oregon border. Police believe the man was attacked by an animal, but the claw marks are too far apart for it to be any animal. Could it be what was roaming in Forks just a few months ago? Or is it something worse? I'm Lisa Martinez and you're watching the ten o'clock news." The news broadcast music plays and I walk over to the TV. "This just in, the victim is now conscious and speaking. 37 year old Peter Hale says it wasn't animal, but a girl and that's all he remebers. So please be on the lookout. He hasn't given any other description than glowing eyes and long brown hair. Is this the work of-" the signal goes dead and I release a breath I had no idea that I was holding. I walk back to the door and open it.

"Where are you going?" Jake asks walking out of the room.

"I'm just going to take a walk." I reply.

"Seems like Peter remembered more than he should've." He states walking toward me. I close the door and turn around.

"The signal went out before she finished her statement. She was going to say the work of the supernatural. Eichen will be on their way back looking for me by tomorrow. They know where I am now because of Peter. I should've- I should've killed him. Then we'd still have about a month, but I let him live. That's a mistake I'll be sure not to make twice." I say.

"You were going to get a head start."

"Actually I was going to get about three dozen muffins then find an abandoned coyote den or something to bury them in. Then I was going to get a head start." I state. "I have a pillow case in my pocket." I pull out the pillow case and shake it a little. "It's for a body pillow, so I could probably fit more than three dozen, but I still need to be able to bury it so."

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