40. Wolfsbane

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I lay back and my door slowly opens. Five armed guards, three orderlies, and Peter walk into the room. Two orderlies grab my arms and jerk me up from the bed. Peter walks behind all of us. The guards surrounding me, guns aimed at my head, the other orderly ahead to unlock everything. I remain completely silent as they lead me to what could be my death.

"It won't do anything." The girl from the other states. Her hair strawberry blonde, eyes seafoam green. She sits on shelf in her cell, legs folded beneath her. "You know it won't."

"Then why don't I just try it with you instead?" Peter snaps.

"You're going to anyways. You just want to get power from her first. Then you'll attempt to kill us all." She replies. "Have fun with that by the way."

"Lydia, why do you think you know more than me?" Peter raises an eyebrow.

"I don't think, I know that I know more than you. Only one of us has the ability to foresee." Lydia sasses.

"Not for long my dear." Peter smirks before they push me into a small room. The orderlies strap me to a chair and hook wires to me. "Let's play a game shall we?"

Give me control, Kiki. He's going to try and kill us both.

He'll go after Jake and Seth if we escape.

I'll kill him first. Then the guys with guns, then the orderlies.

You won't give me control back though.

I don't want to die, Kiara. If you don't do something, I will.

Sierra, I know what I'm doing.

No you don't!

Yes I do!


I flinch at the loudness of her voice and Peter's eyes light up.

"Hmm, so your friend in your head is having fun?" He raises an eyebrow. I make my eyes glow and the wires fall off.

"No, not really. She hates the fact that I can easily take control over her." My hands reach up and snap his neck. I turn around and all of the people fall to the ground. I leave the room and start to leave the building.


Sorry sweetie, but it's my turn to play.


I strut past the front desk and out the doors. I wave my fingers at an orderly before jumping over the 20 foot gate. I walk down the road toward a club.



"Something isn't right, it's Kiki, but she's not hurt it's just something's wrong. Like it isn't even her." I state staring blankly at the floor in front of me.

"Her other half might have taken control. Odds are Kiki is getting too weak and her other half took advantage of her and came out to play." Jasper says.

"I can't see anything, I haven't been able to since you left the last time." Alice sighs.

"It's more than likely her shadow self that's in control then. Especially if it's blocking connections." Carlisle states. "I'll call Alan and see if he knows of anything else what would do it, or if he knows why at least."



Sierra stop! You'll get us killed!

Sorry sweetheart, but this is my playtime.

They'll kill us both!

Well, if I'm going down, I'm dragging you down with me.

Give me back my body Sierra.

Not happening doll face.

"Now, I know they didn't let you out." Deaton says crossing his arms. "And I know that Kiara didn't let you have control."

"I am Kiara." Sierra states crossing her arms.

"Nice try." With one swift move he plunges a syringe into my neck and everything gets dark and fuzzy. "Kiki, you may feel like this for a little while, but it'll wear off soon, just stay in control of her. I'll take you in through the back and up to my office." He carries me back toward Eichen House. "Carlisle called me, concerned that Sierra had won you over. Seems like I found you just in time."

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