10. Like Real People Do

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I smile to myself and stare at the ceiling. I kissed him- and he kissed me. We kissed and we kissed again and again and it felt like electricity coursing through my body- but it was the good kind of electricity. Now it just feels empty because he's not right here beside me. I her a knock on my door frame and I cock my head toward it.

"So, how was seeing Jacob?" Emily asks in a half way singsong tone.

"Close the door." I say. Emily closes the door and sits beside me. "It was- I don't know- words can't describe, and we kissed and it felt like electricity and everything went away and I felt normal for the first time in forever and I felt free and I didn't have to worry about anything- it was like I was dreaming and I didn't want to wake up." She smiles at me.

"Awe- you had your first kiss." She says still with the singsongy tone. I smile again and stare at the ceiling. "So, what else happened?"

"I found out that he felt the same way about me that I feel about him." I breathe in and out. "He kissed me, and I kissed back, then we kissed again, and a few more times after that. It was amazing." I state. "Ya know?"

"You're growing up, oh honey, I'm so happy for you." She smiles before enveloping me in a hug. "My baby girl isn't a baby any more." She slightly sulks.

"I'm still your little girl, Emmy." I state as she slowly lets go. She smiles with wet eyes. I smile back and we hug again. I hear a slight knock on my door. "Who is it and do you have food?" I ask.

"Sam, and no I do not have food." He groans.

"Come back with food and I might let you in." I state. He opens the door and crosses his arms.

"I can give you a knuckle sandwich." He holds up a fist and I roll my eyes. "Emily why does it look like you're about to cry?"

"They're happy tears, cause my little girl is getting so big." She's still slowly breaking because I had my first kiss. Sixteen years old and just had my first kiss, pathetic, I know. Sam half chuckles and I glare at him.

"What? Can I not laugh?" Sam scoffs.

"Stop being such an asshat, asshat." I demand. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Your vocabulary is strange." He states.

"Leave her alone, Sam." Emily defends me.


I cross my arms and stand beside Sam while the rain pours down. Everything was going fine until Bella showed up. Jake is trying to get her to leave, but he's being too nice. He needs to just tell her to fuck off. Thunder rolls in the distance and I continue to watch the two argue. Paul puts his arm around me and I watch Jacob tense up. Paul moves his arm and Bella leaves. Jake jogs toward us and we turn and get a safe distance through the woods before phasing. I have more control then everyone other than Sam and Jared- Paul phased before me, but I'm still more in control. Phasing order is as follows: Sam, Jared, Leah, Paul, Me, Embry, Quil, Jake- Seth hasn't phased yet. Out of all of us, Sam, Jared, Me, and Jake have all imprinted. Sam and Emily, Jared and Kim, me and Jake. We come toward the house and I phase back with ease. I walk to the house and plop down in Sam's recliner. Sam walks in and glares at me.

"That's my chair." Sam grumbles.

"I let you enter my room without food- so shut up." I retort. Emily laughs from the kitchen and Jake picks me up and sits down, placing me on his lap. I lock my hand with Jake's and rest my head on his shoulder. He smiles softly and wraps his other arm around me. I smile then slowly roll my lips. He rubs my knuckles gently with the pad of his thumb and lightly kisses the top of my head. The others babble in the dining room about whatever and we sit in silence, just being in his arms is enough for me. I look up at him and we both smile before we kiss.


I push my key into the ignition and start the truck up. I drive down the road and keep my eyes a head of me and clear my mind, the only thing being driving- and Jake- but mostly driving. I sit up straighter and pay attention to what I'm doing. I lightly put more pressure on the gas pedal and glance down at the speedometer. I look back at the road and take a deep breath.

"You're fine- you can do this." I tell myself before taking another deep breath. My foot presses harder on the pedal and I shake my head slightly. "Just calm down, you're okay." My other leg bounces up and down rapidly and I shake my head again. "You're okay. It's okay."


"Kiki!?!" I hear someone exclaim. I slowly open my eyes and furrow my eyebrows. I hold my head and try to sit up. I blink a few times and make out the figure- Jacob. I look down at my body, a seat belt strapped tightly across me, and the air bag deflated, blood. I look around and move my arm from my head. "You're okay." I blink a few more times. "Keep your eyes open Kiki." He pulls the door off of my truck and undoes the seatbelt. He picks me up and carries me to his truck. He sits me down in the middle seat and climbs in next to me. He wraps a jacket around me and slightly rubs my arm. "How badly are you hurt?" He asks softly. I shrug and he looks over me. He holds one of my arms still and looks at a cut. "It's fine, it'll heal quickly." He starts his truck and puts an arm around me before driving to Sam's. He pulls in and looks at me sweetly. I weakly smile at him and he caresses my cheek. We gingerly kiss and slowly pull back. I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder. "Hey, look at me." I slowly lift my head and he places a hand under my chin. "I can't stay, no matter how much I really want to, but I'll try to be with you all day tomorrow. Okay?" I nod and we kiss again, and again, and again. "I love you."

"I love you too." We kiss again, and again, and again, and again.

"Come on, let's get you inside." He opens his door and steps out before picking me up and carrying me inside.

"What happened?" Sam asks.

"She wrecked her truck." Jake replies as I nuzzle in closer to his chest. Sam nods.

"Take her to her room." Jake nods and carries me to my room. He lays me down and I cling to him.

"Kiki, we went over this." Jake whispers. I look up at him with pleading eyes and he sighs. He sits down beside me and I lightly smile. "I'll stay with you all day and all night tomorrow."

"Promise?" I ask. He smiles.

"I promise." He replies with a nod. We kiss, then he lightly kisses my forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow, get some rest." He lightly squeezes my hand and walks toward the door.


He stops walking. "Yeah?"

"I love you." I state. He smiles.

"I love you too." He turns and walks out the door. I frown and curl up with blanket before closing my eyes and drifting off into a dark abyss of sleep.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now