56. The Coyote (Part 1)

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There is something in common with all the trickster stories, the coyote, the raven, and the fox, they all crave something- power.

I stand at the edge of the cliff looking out over the water. Even though Peter is dead, I still live in constant fear that I'll be drug back in to Eichen, or that someone might take me from my pack. After the hell I went through, I wouldn't make it out a second time. I barely made it through the first.

"I thought I might find you here." Embry says from behind me.

"How are the new kids doing?" I ask.

"They're doing great. How are you though?" He retorts.

"I've been better." I reply. "But I've also been worse."

"Jake said you flipped out earlier."

"I didn't flip out."

"What did you see Kiki?"

"Something I don't ever want to see again." I state.

"You're anxious." He steps closer.

"I just don't want to lose you guys again." I shake my head and sigh. "I can't lose you guys again."

"You won't, not again." He reassures.

"You have no way to be sure." I stare at the water. "No one does."

"Do you have any idea how hellbent we were to try to get you out of Eichen? Trust me, we're just as hellbent on keeping us together." He states. "Pack bond is stronger than blood, the pack might be in two at the moment, but we're still a pack. Ride or die Kiki." A smile ghosts upon my face.

"Then it's about to be one hell of a ride." I turn to him and we hug.


I walk through the path I made when I was hiding from Eichen with my head hung and eyes closed, only my memory guiding me. Dried out leaves crunch beneath the sole of my boots. The smell of pine wafts through the woods as the sound of tiny animals running fills my ears. I lift my head and open my eyes. Crimson blood drips down the bark of the tree in front of me. I wipe my fingers on it and take in the scent. I look up and blood drips onto my face. Above me rests countless bodies in the trees, below me a puddle of their blood. I reach out and place my hand on the tree and the world flips.

My back is greeted by a cold cement floor. Fire burns in small patches around me, lights flash but no alarm sounds. I look around and I'm surrounded by blank walls. I slowly pull myself to stand. I turn in a small circle, blood seeps from the bricks and onto the floors. The blood turns black and gas comes from the air vents. My lungs burn, searching for oxygen. I pound on the walls and try to call out for help. Instead of words leaving my mouth, my organs do. The fire grows and engulfs me whole.

"Babe are you okay?"

My body doesn't burn, but the fire still sits on me.


The gas from the vents mixes with the smoke.


I start crawling toward my organs.


A coyote stands over top my organs, teeth covered in blood.

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