25. Wild

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I go from tree to tree as I enter Forks, making my way back home. My hair while wildly in the wind behind me. I jump onto Cullen territory and glide through the trees then jump the ravine into Quilette lands. I run toward Sam's where they'll all be. I pick up my pace as I near the edge of the woods. I flip out if the last tree and land on all fours. I flip my head up, my eyes glowing. I slowly stand with a smirk.

"How was South America?" Paul asks from the porch.

"Well I got stabbed about forty times, shot about seven, tased several times, and attacked by numerous random ass supernatural creatures. Oh yeah and I phased- again- twice." I reply. "So it was wonderful." I slightly narrow my eyes.

"That's a lot." He says nodding. I flash him a sarcastic smile before Emily runs out if the house with her arms open wide. We hug and she shakes me aggressively from excitement.

"Oh my gosh! You were gone a whole week I wasn't sure if you'd be back!" She squeaks.

"I missed you too Em." I whisper. She lets loose and cups my face.

"Look at you! I'm going to make muffins but you need a shower." She states.

"So I rolled around in that patch of daises for nothing huh?" I tease.

"Come on." She drags me inside and pushes me into my old room. "Shower or no muffins."

"Jeesh I know." I hold my hands up in surrender before grabbing clothes and walking to my bathroom. I turn on the water and take off my clothes. I get in and watch all of the dirt that has accumulated over the past week turn to water. I scrub my hair and body until the water runs clear and one more quick wash for good measure. I shave because this may be my last chance for a while and rinse off again. I turn off the water and get dressed. I brush my hair and blow dry it. I brush it again and leave my old room. I walk into the kitchen just as Emily pulls muffins out of the oven. I reach out to grab one and she smacks my hand away.

"Now you just saw me pull them out of the oven!" She scolds.

"I've also been eating raw animals that I found and killed for the past week." I retort.

"That's disgusting Kiki, you could've at least made a fire and cooked them!" She exclaims.

"Then they would've caught me." I state grabbing a muffin out of the pan and biting into it.

"Are you seriously eating that!?! I just pulled it out of the oven!" She says in shock.

"And?" I raise a brow and take another bite.

"Isn't that hot?" She asks.

"Very, but I quite frankly don't give a damn." I reply. Her jaw drops and I finish the muffin. I grab another and scarf it down. "What?" I snap going to grab another one. She looks between me and the muffin. "Yeah, still have that wolf-hunger thing. Growing children need food and lots of it."

"You're eating muffins that would burn anyone if they touched them like it's nothing!" She exclaims.

"Em, if you've gone as long as I have without decent food, you'd probably be able to do this too." I state finishing that muffin and reaching for another.

"Slow down, you'll make yourself sick." She says with a motherly tone.

"I don't get sick anymore." I retort eating that one.

"I'll put on another batch." She sighs. "You're lucky I love you."

"I love you too Emmy." I smile and eat a few more. I feel gravity shift just as I go to grab another. My head turns toward the door and I forget about the muffins. I walk toward the door and glance out the window before my eyes glow. I switch them back and walk out onto the porch as the Rabbit pulls in. Jake helps Bella off then turns around with a slightly confused looked. "Don't worry, I haven't been back long." I jump over the railing and he wraps his arms around me tightly. We kiss and slowly pull apart.

"How was-" I groan cutting him off before he can finish the question. "That good huh?" He scoffs.

"I told Paul, but I'd rather not relive the pain." I grumble.

"Oh hey look it's Bella!" The pack comes out and starts the taunting. Leah pushes past everyone with the same bitchy look she always has. She rolls her eyes and goes to insult Bella before I make my eyes glow and growl. Leah looks at me before walking off and phasing. I switch my eyes back before flashing Bella a slight smile.

"Oh, Bella's back!" Emily beams. I hear the oven go off and jump up over the banaster before speeding into the kitchen and pulling the pan out with my bare hands.

"Did you just pull that out with your bare hands!?!" Quil asks shocked.

"No it just randomly teleported from the oven to the counter. Yes dumbass I just pulled it out with my bare hands." I roll my eyes and grab a muffin.

"How is that not burning you!?!" Paul exclaims.

"What is up with people and wondering how I'm not getting burnt? I was in the desert for a whole week, heat doesn't bother me." I state before eating the muffin. "It's a Nephilium thing, how else would I heal from being stabbed and shot and tased and clawed and mangled. That and pain doesn't really bother me after phasing-again-twice."

"Repeat that last part again. A little louder for me." Sam says.

"I phased again- twice." I state. "Oh and I kinda ripped Peter's throat out because he caught me on the Oregon border and I didn't want to be dragged to Eichen after running to South America for a week. So that happened too."

"You what!?!" Jake exclaims.

"Oh, hey look, there's Seth!" I smile innocently I move toward the porch to greet the little one. Jake wraps his arms around me before I get to the door and spins me around so I'm facing him. "Okay I only did it so I wouldn't have to go back to Eichen. He's not dead though. He just won't remember where he is it what he was doing when it heals."

"You're lucky I love you." He grumbles.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now