59. Trouble

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I can't lose you again...

Renesmee gently grabs my shaking hand and smiles at me. I smile back and her eyes light up.

"How long did they take to heal?" Emmett asks.

"They still aren't entirely healed, I don't think they ever will, but they covered themselves after I woke up. Well, about an hour after I woke up. It took a lot of power to keep them covered. After I killed Peter, I didn't have put as focus into it. I can make them visible whenever I want. Honestly that takes more power than keeping them hidden." I reply tucking my hair behind my ear.

"What exactly can you do?" Benjamin speaks up from the corner of the room.

"Just about anything." I shrug. "I obtain the abilities of every creature I encounter." He quirks a brow.

"So you can do what I can do?" He further questions stepping forward.

"Only it's amplified when I do it." I nod releasing Renensmee's hand. I hold out my hand and bead if water hovers above it. "Where you can only influence the elements in their basic forms, I can manipulate anything that contains it." Blood flows around the bead of water. "I'm still not the best with this kind of thing though." The blood and water disappear.

"That's crazy." Blondie gawks quietly.

"That's nothing compared to half the shit I can do." I shake my head I make a fist. I drop my hand. "I don't have the control I need to show off though."

"How'd you figure out that you could do it?" Garrett asks stepping forward.

"I didn't have to have control in Eichen. In fact I would've died a hell of a lot sooner if I had control." I slightly bite my tongue. "I almost made it out too, but Peter didn't like that so he just pissed a lot of people off until the place blew up." I close my eyes for a few seconds and open them back up. "Out of the 75 of us trapped on that floor, five made it out, and Peter, but he didn't last long after that. Two of them were hellhounds, a banshee, a pyrokinetic, and well me. They all walked away unharmed, I was dead for about six hours. Long enough to be transferred to the morgue." I state at the ground. "Let me tell you, those boxes are actually not that small."

"How the hell did the banshee survive?"

"Peter. She was his pet." I pause and look around. "There were probably 20 or 30 banshees in the building, the others, even the ones that weren't on the floor and didn't get burned alive, they all died except for Lydia. The voices got too loud, I guess. They were pretty loud for me and I was one of the first ones down, and I know they only got louder."

"That's scary." Esme says from Carlisle's side.

"It's terrifying." I sigh. Screams echo in my skull and I furrow my eyebrows. "Somethings wrong." I mumble sitting in the floor. Renesmee places a hand on my shoulder. I take a deep breath and give my eyes to a bird.

"What the hell are you doing?" Emmett asks.

"She's searching for something. Don't distract her." Renesmee replies running her fingers through my hair. In front of me I see the Volturi and a Japanese man in an alleyway. Black smoke surrounds him and then disappears. I blink and the Japanese man falls to the ground decapitated. My eyes return to me and I shake my head.

"They know." I gasp. "The Volturi know."

"What do you mean?" Carlisle asks.

"They killed one of your friends after reading his mind. The one with the smoke took all of his senses first." I shake my head. "They know everything, he's gathering his own witnesses."

"Are you sure?"

"I saw it with my own eyes." I state, "Trust me, I'm sure."

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