32. Running Out of Days

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Four Days Later...


"You don't have much longer do you?" Jas asks. I shake my head.

"Not really. After today, I only have two days. I didn't really give specifics when I told Jake, but they aren't coming until Friday morning. I told him that I'd have to go back to Canada to meet Peter late on the seventh day. Honestly I'm going to leave late Thursday night, but I figured I'd at least spend a few hours with John and Embry, even though this whole thing is their fault, but it'd give me incentive to escape if Peter tries anything."

"You have no idea how long you'll be gone do you?" Muscles asks. I shake my head.

"That wasn't included in the deal." I sigh. "But I'm coming back, whether it's peaceful or not is a whole other story."

"You're seriously thinking about killing your way out aren't you?" Jasper crosses his arms.

"Only if I have to." I state. "But Peter knows if he tries anything that I won't give him the power he wants, so it'll be a while before he even thinks about trying anything."

"You'll be locked on the supernatural floor won't you?" Emmett crosses his arms and leans back.

"They have to, but I still get visitation as long as I can keep Peter satisfied."

"And if you don't?"

"They torture me until I do." I state.


I pull my hair up into a ponytail and plop down next to Seth.

"What do you want to do today buddy?" I ask throwing an arm around his shoulder. He just shrugs before a tear slides down his cheek and he wipes it away aggressively. "Come here." I wrap my other arm around him and rub his back gently. His body soon racks with sobs and his arms wrap around my core tightly. "I'm coming back kid, and they're giving me visitation. It's not like you won't get to see me again."

"You're different, in there and when you first come back for the first few months, it's you but it's not the same." He says through the tears. I hug him slightly tighter. I'm not the same.

"I know, I know. I don't like it either." I state. "But I'm going to try to get out as soon as I can okay? So everything can be normal faster. I'm going to get as soon as I can." I slightly pull him back.

"Yeah." He nods. I wipe his tears away and smile.

"Now get a hold of yourself and act like everything isn't going to change." I order. He takes a deep breath before nodding again.

"Let's go to La Push." He sniffles. I nod and hold his hand as we walk outside and toward the beach. "I've always liked it out here."

"So did your dad. He always took me out here when I was having a bad day. It's good to be out here." I state. "It calms my nerves."

"Yeah, yeah it does. It's relaxing." He nods with a smile.

"Do you wanna know what else calms my nerves?" I ask mischievously. He smirks before we both race toward the water. I slide to a stop and splash him with water. He slashes me and I spin, kicking water up. He makes a huge splash and I yell out before almost losing my balance. I grab a rock and throw it down, making a gigantic splash, throwing us both off balance and knocking us into the water. We both laugh before getting up.

"I'll race you back." He says.

"Eat my dust." I tease before running. He runs after me and we race back to Sue's house. I jump over low hanging branches and dodge trees, Seth not too far behind me. We both skid to a stop at the house and laugh. "I win."

"Not yet." He shakes his head before placing hus hand against the house. "I win." He smirks.

"I'll give it to you this time, Clearwater, but next time, that's mine."


Ayo, I know it's been a very long time since the last update, but I managed to salvage enough to give you this over a month later. I hope you liked it, and uh yeah.

The Vampire Diaries series finale was last night, 3-10-17, and I hated it. Loved it, but hated it. I didn't want it to end.

Spoiler Alert.

Stefan is dead forever and asdfjklqwerty. Ugh. Katherine came back and I liked that. Damon isn't a fucking vampire anymore! Jo came back and saw the fucking twins and Alaric as a ghost and thats not fucking cool! The very last thing was Damon meeting Stefan again on the other side saying "hello brother" and hugging then it went to the title screen ending it all. I fucking hate/love it!

Spoiler Over, as well as my rant.

Brace yourself for next few chapters, it's gonna be a wild ride. When I finally get them up, I hope you enjoy them as this will probably be the author's note you see for a while.

As for that,

You Know Who I Am

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang