23. Goodbye

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I sigh and sit down on the bed. I shake my hair out and fold my legs up beneath me.

"So it's official?" Seth whispers. All I manage is a nod.

"You're coming back though, right?" Quil asks. I nod again.

"That's the plan at least." I reply.

"When are you leaving?" Leah asks.

"Tonight. No later." I state.

"When will you be back?" Seth looks at me like a puppy that just got kicked.

"As soon as I can." I shrug and sigh again.

"Is Jake-"

"No, I'm going alone. It's too risky otherwise." I cut Leah off.

"Did you tell Embry?" Quil asks.

"He's part of the reason that they're after me. You can tell him I left tomorrow, but nothing specific. Only that I ran off, and that I left you all a note, but I told you to destroy it after you read it. Only this, and nothing more." I reply.

"What if Sam or Jared asks?" Seth asks.

"I ran off, and I left a note, but you were to destroy it after you read it." I say. He nods.

"Are you going to tell Emily?" He questions.

"I already did, she knows what to do." I sigh. "I am really going to miss those damn muffins, and cooked food, and muffins." I frown.

"You'll be back and I bet she'll have over a thousand muffins waiting for you." Leah says before half hugging me. I nod to myself. Quil hugs me tightly.

"Be careful." He whispers. He slowly pulls away and leaves. Leah stands by the door. Seth gets up and I stand in front of him. He hugs me tighter than what Quil had and buries his face in my hair. I wrap my arms around him and return.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise." I whisper.

"I'll be waiting." I hear the tears in his voice. I slowly pull him back and wipe stray tears from his eyes.

"Behave yourself, do what you are told, and please help your mom out around the house when you can." He nods and forces a smile. I hug him again. "I'll see you soon, kid." He slowly steps away and walks toward Leah, who leads him out of the room. A few minutes pass and Jake walks in.

"I'm guessing you told them, and that's why Seth's so upset." He says softly. I nod and then rake my hand through my hair. "Come here." He holds his arms out and I cling to his chest as he rubs my back. He smooths my hair slightly.

"I hate doing this kind of stuff." I state, my voice starting to break.

"I know, I know." He whispers.

"I mean after Harry, and him phasing, this is just too much for him to handle. He's just a kid."

"He's a strong kid though, I'll look out for him while you're gone." He says. "I promise."

"I hate this." I whisper pulling myself together.


I pull myself together and climb out the window. This is it right here. No Jake, no Seth, no Jasper, no Emily, no Billy, no Emmett, nothing until I manage to get back. I will be alone for the next however long this takes. Alone and on the run. I look back at the sleeping boy and take a deep breath.

It's the only way.

I nod before turning around and jogging off into the woods. I find one of the search vehicles and jump out in front of it.

"You want me, come and get me." I tease before turning around and running. I duck and weave around trees as I lead them south. I make it out of the woods and look back at them before smirking and running down the road.

You have to be the dumbest person to think that this will actually work.

Watch me.

I allow my eyes to glow and speed up pushing the limits of supernatural enhancement. I cross the border into Oregon and return to the woods. My eyes get brighter and the sun starts to rise. I force myself to go faster, I have to make this work.

You're trying too hard little one.

I'm barely trying.

I break the boundaries and move faster than I've ever been able to before. I can't go too fast otherwise they'll lose me. I don't need them to lose me until at least central Mexico. I'm aiming for southern Argentina. Then I'll lose them completely.

Try not trying for once, give up and give in.


It'll be a nice change of pace.

I'm not letting you control my body, so stop trying.

The sun rises higher in the sky and I jump from tree to tree.

Why don't you?

I never give up. That's what's gotten me this far, and it won't stop here.

I land back on the ground and look over my shoulder. I let them get close before turning and running again.

Yet you keep taunting them. Just let them have you already. It's inevitable.

You say inevitable, I say completely avoidable.

We'll see little one.

Watch me.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang