53. Question Everything

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The door opens. I push Seth away and allow myself to shift halfway, a low growl escaping my throat.

"Kiki, it's just Paul." Jared says. I growl louder and bare my fangs.

"I know." I snarl.

"What did you do?" Sam asks in his alpha tone.

"I kissed her." Paul replies with a slight smirk.

"Get the hell out of here!" Emily yells. Paul furrows hus eyebrows.


"NOW!" I roar cutting him off. He runs and I slowly shift back. I turn and place my hands on the island. My hair cascades down, like a curtain for my face. I start to calm my breathing when a hand moves to touch my shoulder. "Don't." I breathe. "I'm fine, just trying to reign myself back in."

"He did something other than just kiss you. I know you Kiki, you don't go off like that over just a kiss." Seth states.

"Just drop it Seth." I say raising my head a little.

"What did he do Kiki?" He steps forward.

"I said drop it!" I spin around growl, shifting again. He jumps back and stares at me. I put my hands in my hair and fight the animal. I grab the chair and throw it through the wall with a roar.

"Kiki, stop!" Embry yells. I growl again.

"Kiara!" I shift back and fall to my knees. My hair hangs around my face shielding me from being seen. "He's irrelevant. Everything he said, everything he did, is irrelevant." I let out shaky breath. "Let it go." I slowly climb to my feet and cross my arms.

"You're one to talk, Jake." I make eye contact and gravity shifts. I roll my eyes. "That changes nothing and actually fuels rage. Anyways, you still beat the hell out of him. Twice."

"Wait how'd?"

"Keen sense of, well, everything." I shrug.

"Eyes." He say sternly. I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head.

"Sorry," I open my eyes, "the demon wants to turn him into chew toy."

"Well she's just going to have to get over it won't she." He sasses.

"She's not the only one that wants to turn him into a chew toy." I sass back.

"How are you so calm about this!?!" Leah explodes.

"Because if we're not, I'll die, again." I take a deep breath. "Trust me, hell ain't fun." I mutter. "And there are no more loopholes to bring back, so."

"Loopholes?" Sam quirks.

"Yeah you know Renesmee, the baby you tried to murder. She was my loophole. I knew Bella wouldn't make it through so I pulled some strings and kinda made Jake falsely imprint without imprinting. No one could kill the miracle hybrid child and Bella dying, after a birth, it opens some gates and well, I wake up in a fridge and Bella wakes up a leech." I explain whilst flailing my arms.

"Okay but we're all still curious about Paul." Jared says.

"That is a story for another time." Embry says sternly. "Let it go."

"The muffins are done, just let them-" I grab a muffin as she pulls the pan from the oven and bite into it, "cool." She finishes with a drop of tone.

"What?" I sass with a mouth full of muffin. I swallow, "I haven't decent food in quite a while." Jake and Embry both shutter.

"Exactly what did you eat in Eichen?" Seth asks.

"Only about two-thirds of the staff." Embry scoffs in reply.

"That's a bit extreme." Seth says dazed.

"Ugh, it takes too much effort to eat these." I groan before snapping my fingers and half of the muffins disappear. I sigh, "all joy of the muffins and with no effort at all."

"Did you teleport them into your stomach?" Emily gawks.

"Is this question everything day or something?" I exclaim.

"Well, considering the fact that they all thought that this was your wake, and you turn up alive and almost rabid using random abilities you've acquired, questioning everything is very reasonable." Embry deadpans.

"Touché brother," I place a hand on his shoulder, "touché."

"Kiki, don't fry him." Jake orders. I lift my hand from his shoulder and it hits my thigh. I raise a finger, "or tase him." I turn my hand so my palm faces Embry, "or sonic blast him through the window, or anything for that matter." I smack Embry lightly upside the head. "That was expected."

"So, who wants to tell random stories about random shit we've dealt with?" I ask.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now