21. Waves

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"When was the last time you saw her then?" The man asks crossing his arms.

"A few days ago, she kept saying that she was sorry, she never told me what about." I reply sighing, playing the heartbroken out-of-the-loop boyfriend.

"Do you have any idea where she could be?"

"No, no I don't." I shake my head. "She left without any warning."

"Was she acting different?"

"She hasn't been the same since you assholes locked her in hell hole, honestly I would've ran too if my dad told me they were going to take me back." I scoff.

"Seems like you're on her side." He states watching me intentively.

"I'm just doing what you asked, for me to be completely honest." I shrug with a slight smirk.

"You know exactly where she is, don't you?" He leans in and glares at me. My smirk turns to a grin. "We're only trying to help her."

"But are you?" I retort.

"Where is she?" He growls.

"I'm not so sure I like you tone." I slightly cock my head to the side.

"Listen here you little shit, tell me where the girl is and I let you live." He grabs my shirt and I chuckle before turning stone cold.

"No you listen here you son of a bitch- if you ever come near me again, it'll be the last thing you do besides beg for your pathedic life." I push him off of me then walk off.



I sigh and sit down on a rock out in the water. The breeze blows, my hair moving with it. I take a deep breath.

"How'd it go?" I ask watching the water.

"Well, for the most part. I got under their skin and pissed them off though." Jake replies.

"How much longer do you think we have?" A leaf lands in the water and spins.

"That's the last thing I want to worry about, Kiki." He states. I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"I don't really have a choice to worry about it. I just do." I whisper.

"I worry about it too, I just try not to think about it so much. Honestly I just try to enjoy every moment that I do have left with you." He says. I get up and walk onto the shore and wrap my arms around him. His arms wrap around me in return. "I love you, Kiara." He whispers into my hair.

"I love you too." I murmur against his shoulder.

"Come on, we can get away with keeping you at the house for a day or two." He states rubbing my back.

"Do I have to walk all the back?" I grumble. He lightly chuckles before picking me up bridal style. "Mmmmm thank you." I slightly smile and he carries me through the woods.


"I'll be out for a while, make sure you lock everything." Billy states rolling toward the door.

"We will." Jake says.

"Liquor is in the back of the cabinet." He winks before leaving the house and locking the door.

"Did he seriously just advise us to drink?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, pretty much." He smirks.

"Why not?" I shrug.

"Well if you want to forget anything that could happen tonight." He says.

"As long as we aren't wasted." He slightly nods.


Our lips crash head on, sparks flowing throw me like electricity. I rip his shirt off of him and pull mine off over my head. Our lips meet again and his hands grip my hips. He pushes me against the wall and his lips go to my neck. I bite my lip with a slight smile then release it before pulling his lips back to mine. My heart beats against my chest as our bodies move against each other together. I'm going to miss this, I'm going to miss almost everything.


His arm around me, my head on his chest, our fingers sloppily intertwined. I don't want this to end, I don't want to lose him again. I just want to lay here forever. I close my eyes for a moment and let the warmth surround me. I pull a blanket up over my body and snuggle in a little closer.

"Damn Kiki, you're freezing!" Jake exclaims quietly.

"I normally am now." I state.

"Normally? How long has this been going on?" He asks.

"A week maybe, or two, maybe three?" I reply.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His voice gets slightly stern.

"Mainly because I think it's just the side effects of no longer being a werewolf, no biggy." I shrug.

"No biggy, Kiara this could be serious." He states.

"Jake, can we please not argue for the little bit of time I have left here." I plead.

"Kiki, I'm sorry, but this could be something more than a few side effects of no longer being a werewolf." He says.

"Jacob, that's all it is, I run a constant body temperature of 97.8, which is normal. You normally run a constant temperature of 110, it's a big temperature change in the body. I'm still adjusting to not feeling as if I'm on fire." I state.  He rubs my back staying silent for a few seconds.

"And you're sure that's all this is?" He asks.

"Yes, I am sure that is all this is." I confirm. "I love you Jakey."

"I love you too Kiki."

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now