58. The Fox (Part 3)

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There is something in common with all the trickster stories, the coyote, the raven, and the fox, they all crave something- power.

I gently brush my hair while staring distantly at the mirror. my eyes switch back and forth from gold to hazel and I groan and rest my head against the table.

"What's wrong?" Dad asks.

"The bitch wants to come out and play." I grumble. "With all new kids phasing and that damned vision she's been going off the walls. I don't even think she's trying to get out. I think I'm just giving up and letting her take charge. She's forcing me not to though."

"Kiki, I'm worried about you." He sighs setting his coffee down. I look up into the mirror, flakes of my skin melt away.

"Isn't everyone?" I retort looking at him from the mirror. "I army crawled out of hell, of course I'm not gonna be okay. I mean I will be eventually, but it might be awhile." My skin starts healing back. "You don't just bounce back after something like that. Honestly with how hard everything has been hitting me hell doesn't seem so bad. But then again hell is just an endless loop of the same torture forever." I continue to brush my hair. "I saw mom, but it wasn't really mom. At least I don't think it was. That shit will fuck you up and it fucks you hard. She looked beautiful though. Like she did when Embry and I were young, before she started drinking every night, before she went crazy. But that's not even what gets me." I purse my lips, "What gets me is that she apologized. She apologized for everything. It may have actually been her but it couldn't have been. Yet somehow I felt like I should've been the one apologizing." I shake my head and set the brush down. I run my hands over my head and my hair puts itself into two braids. "But that's what hell is supposed to do. Dry fuck you with a cactus then make you feel bad because you didn't like it."

"You aren't going to do anything stupid are you?" He asks sipping on his coffee.

"Stupid? No. Crazy? Probably." I reply.

"Don't hurt yourself kiddo, I just got you back." He gently pats my shoulder. "And if you hurt yourself, I'll wait for you to get better and hurt you again for being stupid."


I sigh and plop down on the bed a place a pillow over head and grumble.

"You okay?" Jake asks, the sound of his footsteps drawing nearer.

"No, no I'm not." I mutter as he lifts the pillow. "I'm far from it." He gently tucks hair behind my ear. I sit up and wrap my arms around him. He gently rubs my back and sways back and forth.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He gently kisses my temple.

"Not really." I nuzzle my face in his shoulder.

"I love you Kiara." He says.

"I love you too Jakey." I close my eyes and let his warmth entrap me.

"I'm worried about you." He sighs.

"I'll be alright." I state.

"I can't lose you again."

I can't lose you again... I can't lose you again... I can't lose you again... I can't lose you again...

I can't lose you again

"You won't." I retort pulling back. I run my hand through his hair, my golden eyes reflect in his hazel orbs. "I promise." I lean in and we kiss.

I can't lose you again...

Something scratches at the window and we pull apart. I glance over to see a fox with blue eyes.

I can't lose you again...

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora