39. Drained

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I sigh and lie back on the bed. Blankly, I stare at the ceiling. Gravity pulls at me, it has since they took Kiki. It's killing us both. Only it's worse for her.


My head throbs as I lie still on the bed. My skin is pale, almost grey, dark bags set under my eyes, my eyes bloodshot and glassy, my hair greasy, my lips dry. I'm dying. I can hear it. I can feel it. It won't be long before I'm dead. I'm drained. I'm weak. I'm slipping into catatonia. Soon enough I'll be trapped in my own head.

"Kiki, how are you feeling babe?" Holland asks. I look toward her with a blank look. "Are you feeling up for a visit?" She gives me a hopeful smile. I manage a nod and she smiles. "I'll let him in then." She turns and leaves the room. Jake walks in and he looks almost as bad as I do.

"Hey." He forces a smile before sitting down beside me.

"Hi." I croak.

"So you feel entirely like shit too eh?" He scoffs and weakly smile.

"Better since you're here." I state. Cheesy, I know, but it's true. Granted this is all because of the damn imprint thing. He lightly caresses my cheek and I bring my hand up to meet his. I lean my head into his palm and close my eyes for a few seconds. "I love you."

"I love you too Kiki." He smiles.

"You know, this is probably the last visit we're gonna get right?" I say. His smile falls and he nods.

"Yeah, I know. It'll end up killing us both." He states.

"Unless I manage to escape." I add. "I mean, Peter might try coming after us but once I'm out of here he doesn't stand a chance."

"Or he'll stop you on your way out." He points out.

"So that's two cons, and only one pro. Well technically they're all cons, but I mean whatever gets me the hell out of this place." I shrug sitting up. We wrap our arms around each other and I squeeze my eyes shut.

"I love you."

"I love you."


Peter circles me like a vulture. I sit up straight and my face holds no emotion. He watches me carefully and I remain perfectly still.

"You seem upset?" He raises an eyebrow. I don't move a muscle. "Why are you upset Kiara?" I don't even dare to utter a sound. "Playing the silent game are we?" I clench my jaw silently. "Well, I can fix that." He flicks out his claws and stabs me in the back. I squeeze my eyes shut but remain silent. "Playing hard to get I see?" He rips his claws from my back and my jaw unclenches. "I'll make you a deal, talk and I'll stop torturing you, or remain silent and I kill you. What's it going to be?" He places two clawed hands on my shoulders.


I grab his forearms and flip him over the chair. I twist his arms behind his back and apply pressure at his shoulder blades. He howls and guards come running in. I let Peter go and flick out my own set of claws before fighting off the guards and running out to the main corridor. I look around before running to the stairs. I run up two flights before sliding into a room and locking the door.

"Kiki? What's the matter?" Marin asks.

"Just keep quiet, I need your help." I reply.

"Okay, what can I do?" She looks toward me.

"Where the hell is she!?!" Peter booms running toward the room. I put a finger to my lips before camouflaging into the wall. "Marin, have you seen Kiara?" He asks stepping into the room.

"No, why?" She replies folding her hands on her desk.

"No reason, but if you do happen to see her, tell me or one of the guards immediately." He growls then leaves. I stay back and hidden for a moment until I know I'm in the clear. I make myself visible and look toward the door.

"I need something to temporarily suspend the imprint, and something to keep Peter from gaining any power." I state.

"You do realize it could kill you don't you?" She says.

"A lot of things could happen, that doesn't mean they will. Not suspending the bond will kill me, in fact it is, and has been. If Jake hadn't came, I'd be dead right now." I say.

"Here." She sets two containers on her desk. "Hide them and only take it once a day." She points to one of them. "This is wolfsbane, it'll suspend anything to do to with the wolf side of you, it won't affect Jacob." She points to the other. "Mistletoe, it'll keep Peter from obtaining power."

"Thank you, Morrell. I owe you one." I smile before grabbing the containers and running to my prison cell. I hide the bottles and jump up into the hammock.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang